Saturday, May 19, 2007

Excercise can help Parkinson's Disease

From Dr. Mercola's blog:

The evidence is growing by leaps and bounds about the beneficial effect exercise has on Parkinson's, according to a pair of recent studies.

In one report discussed during a recent medical conference, researchers tracked the health of some 63,000 men and nearly 80,000 women (average age 63) from 1992-2001. During that period, slightly more than 400 developed Parkinson's. Patients who participated in the highest levels of moderate-to-vigorous exercise lowered their Parkinson's risks by 40 percent. And, patients who exercised more often than folks who didn't reduced their chances of Parkinson's by 20 percent.

In the latter study on animals models, USC researchers learned exercise may enhance the way our bodies use dopamine, forcing the brain to work more efficiently and making the dopamine-producing neurons work harder. Doing both may produce stronger connections to the brain, says the lead researcher.

Well, who would have thought. Parkinson's Disease can be treated by simple exercise. This is something worth thinking about, actually. Since I enjoy exercise, I have another reason to enjoy it more and to exercise more. Thank you Doctor Mercola!

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