Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Campaign for Natural Beauty

One of the worst things about the Fashion and Entertainment Industry is what they do to average looking models. They take the model, and sit her in a booth. Then they put all the make up on her and blow her hair to make it look attractive and beautiful. After the photoshoot, they digitally scan or take the digital photo in photoshop and alter the image to erase any look of average that you can recognize. Creating a totally hypocritical and bogus picture of beauty. Like the poster below. Her breasts are artificially enlarged and her legs probably altered.

Myspace Quotes, Glitter Graphics, Hello Comments, Dividers, TagWorld layouts, and HTML codes

Blech! What a terrible thing to do to a beautiful woman like that. Men should campaign for more natural looking beauties, and women should fight for less hypocrisy in the Fashion and Entertainment industry. One of the best ways to start is to see the video below.

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