Friday, March 27, 2009

Religion in the Known Lands, PT 2


Polytheism is the belief in many gods, although as you have read, there is but One God dealing with the Known Lands. However, this does not make idolatry impossible. Idol worship and pagan worship is worship in a polytheistic sense. Their are two polytheistic movements in the Known Lands: Oerthism and Olympianism.


The original Polytheistic model of the Known Lands until the arrival of the Bretonia in Ancient Times was Oerthism (also known as the D&D pantheon). Oerthistic clerics still exist, but they are pretty much underground when other religions such as the Path of Light, the Holy Light, and Christianity has taken prominence. Oerthists do not have places of worship any more except for hidden temples.

The Deities worshipped include:
  1. Bahamut
  2. Boccob
  3. Corellon Larethian
  4. Ehlonna
  5. Erythnul
  6. Fharlanghn
  7. Gruumsh
  8. Heironeous
  9. Hextor
  10. Kord
  11. Kurtulmak
  12. Lolth
  13. Moradin
  14. Nerull
  15. Obad-Hai
  16. Olidammara
  17. Pelor
  18. St. Cuthbert
  19. Tiamat
  20. Vecna
  21. Wee Jas
  22. Yondalla
  23. Dennari
Their domains are recounted in the Deities and Demigods supplement for the Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition game.


Olympianism has come to the Known Lands with the arrival of the Bretonia. It's a pagan idol religion that comes from the people of Hellas, or the Ancient Greeks. The pantheon is tight, but worship is underground. Most Olympian clerics all look to Zeus, although the others are often worshipped. The pantheon includes:
  1. Zeus
  2. Aphrodite
  3. Apollo
  4. Ares
  5. Artemis
  6. Athena
  7. Demeter
  8. Dionysus
  9. Hades
  10. Hecate
  11. Hephaestus
  12. Hera
  13. Hercules
  14. Hermes
  15. Hestia
  16. Nike
  17. Pan
  18. Poseidon
  19. Tyche
Their domains are recounted also in Deities and Demigods.

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