Monday, April 12, 2010

Sent in my Portfolio to Wizards of the Coast

You know?

I just sent my Portfolio in to Wizards of the Coast. Well, really a link to a website. Why? Well, some of the stuff I do deserves to be on an RPG Book cover or in an RPG Book as filler or interior illustration.

Although I am limited as to what I can do since I don't model my own stuff, I can try to learn if I had the right programming (Carrara, Vue, and Cinema 4D first then upgrade all the way to Maya). Making the Dragonborn would be a challenge since I have to change heads on V4 and M4 and make some interesting textures. If at all possible, since seams would be bad for dragon skin. :)

Oh well, I'll just . . . cross that bridge. :)

1 comment:

  1. hey i was searching the whole day for their email adress to send them my portfolio aswell, but i just cant find it....

    can you help me out?

    here is my emailadress: sandro rybak @yahoo .de

    (you have to put the adress together)

    looking forward for a answer

