Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Atlantean Technology, Continued

Atlantean Sonic Pistol: A sonic pistol or gun has several frequencies that can be used for defensive or offensive applications on the battlefield.  The pistol itself consists of a handheld speaker that is 6 in. by 6 in.  It is constructed around a miniature ZPE converter for power.  The pistol itself consists of a handheld speaker that is 6 in. by 6 in.  A device constructed around the converter allows the user to adjust the frequency.  The sonic waves can be concentrated to be comparable to a Glock 17 9mm autoloader pistol.  The spell, Protection from Energy and the like can provide protection from the sonic pistol.

Knockdown Frequency
The sonic pistol delivers an attack that is comparable to the Improved Bull Rush feat on a successful attack.  Range increment: 30 ft.

Stun Frquency
The Sonic Pistol can be calibrated to deliver an attack that stuns your opponent for 1d6 rounds on a successful attack roll.  Range increment: 30 ft.

Suggestion Frequency
The sonic pistol can be technologically built to deliver a powerful suggestion per the spell or telepathic power suggestion (links to the spell).  The suggestion is transmitted directly and only to the person hearing it, and has a DC equal to 19.  Since it's technological and not magical, spell resistance is ignored.  Range Increment: 90 ft.

Hurting Frequency
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20
Type: Energy (sonic)
Range Increment: 30 ft.
Purchase DC: 18
Notes: Protection from Energy offers a bonus of +4 AC vs. the Sonic Pistol for 10 minutes.


Atlantean Sonic Cannon
A larger version of the Atlantean Sonic pistol is the Sonic Cannon.  It is placed in and on a car, van, or a truck the size of a Hummer 2.  The sonic cannon consists of larger speakers that deliver powerful sonic waves that can be dangerous to buildings.  Although not a weapon of mass destruction like a biological weapon, a chemical weapon, or a nuclear weapon; the Atlantean Sonic Cannon is a sonic application of cannon technology.  It has two frequencies: Suggestion and Destroying.

Mass Suggestion Frequency
The Sonic Cannon can be surreptitiously used to implant a suggestion in a large number of people as per the spell or telepathic power Mass Suggestion (links to the spell).  This effect ignores spell resistance and has a Save DC equal to 26.  Range increment: 300 ft.

Destroying Frequency
The Sonic Waves can be concentrated into a frequency that will vibrate most constructions apart.  The waves will knock down an army of men per the Improved Bull Rush feat.
Damage: 2d6x100
Critical: 20
Type: Energy (sonic)
Range Increment: 300 ft.
Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 35


Firearms:  Atlantis has a large number of firearms.  Rather than make up fire arms with Atlantean names, I suggest that the player pick up a copy of the Weapons Locker for d20 Modern and use the pistols and machine guns in that book for use.  If the Weapons Locker is unavailable, then use the Firearms table in the d20 Modern SRD downloadable from Wizards of the Coast.

Energy Weapons, Other

Other Energy Weapons are not beyond the Atlanteans' capabilities.  However, to stay within the realm of our own possibility, you have to assume that only Ion Cannons and Laser Cannons are currently probable.  Ion Cannons have been developed by Nikolai Tesla, so they aren't beyond 20th Century technology.  Laser cannons, or the Heat Ray, have been in fiction since at least the publication of The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells.

This is a 'good' use of a 5 million volt electron accelerator.

However, lets go beyond our capability and say that the Atlanteans had at least, energy rifles.

Laser Rifle:  A laser rifle is able to fire a beam of light through Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation; that causes heat damage comparable to a Browning M2HB.  The rifle is fully portable, and contains it's own miniature Orgone Converter.  The generator is capable of generating 5 million volts and fires a concentrated beam of light energy.  No backpack required.  Sound is added for effect (chu! :) ).

Damage: 2d12
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 110 feet
Rate of Fire: One continuous beam
Power Source: Orgonite Energy Clip
Size: Large
Weight: 12 lbs.
Purchase DC: 22

Ion Rifle: An Ion Rifle fires a concentrated beam of electrons at your enemy (beta radiation).   The rifle consists of a miniature particle accelerator, and the high energy electrons causes as much X-Rays and Gamma Rays as a bolt of lightning.  The power source uses the same miniature Orgone Converter as the laser rifle.  Sound is comparable to a crack of thunder, but not deafening.

Damage: 2d8
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Electricity
Range Increment: 110 feet
Rate of Fire: Single
Power Source: Orgonite Energy Clip
Size: Large
Wieght: 13 lbs.
Purchase DC: 24

Gauss Plasma Rifle: A plasma rifle that is lot a like the Ion Rifle, except its much more unwieldy.  It uses magnetism to fire high energy projectiles at your opponent.  The Gauss Plasma Rifle is more dangerous than the Plasma Shotgun.

Damage: 2d12
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 220 ft.
Rate of Fire: Single
Magazine: Linked.
Power source: Orgonite Energy Clip
Size: Huge
Weight: 50 lbs.
Purchase DC: 75

Plasma Shotgun: A weapon capable of firing a packet of high energy ions, like the Ion Rifle.  It's a Guass Plasma Rifle toned down.

Damage: 2d8
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 30 ft.
Rate of Fire: Single
Power Source: Orgonite Energy Clip
Size: Large
Weight: 8 lbs.
Purchase DC: 17


Vehicles of Peace and Vehicles of War

People laughed at Noah for building a ship that wasn't anywhere near water.  So, the Atlanteans had ships to convey themselves across the water.  They also had cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, and trains.  But none of these depended on the Internal Combustion Engine, while Steam Locomotives would not use coal.  All of these would use ZPE or Orgone Energy converters.  There were jets too.  And this is where we step off the realms of what is Hard Science and go into more realms of Speculative Science.


Atlantean Submarine:  The Atlantean Submarine is much like the Los Angeles class submarine (links to in the U.S. Navy.  It's packing 362 ft. of waterproofed steel, and displaces 6,818 long tons of water when submerged.  Atlantean Submarines are self propelled by Orgone converters through independent crystal matrices.
Speed: 20 Knots (23 mph) on the surface, 20 Knots submerged with 33 Knots capable.
Purchase DC: 90

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