Friday, September 9, 2011

Does Random Mutation add to the Genome?

The human body has 42 chromosomes arranged into 23 pairs.

Wheat has 42 chromosomes, arranged into 23 pairs.  Sugar cane has 80 chromosomes, arranged into 40 pairs.  However, the question is, can random mutation and random selection add information to the genome?

This is a question that requires experimentation.  But are we allowed to experiment?  Can we even ask the question first that invites experimentation?  Neo-Evolutionists say that over time, through natural selection of random mutations, we changed ourselves from primordial soup into this -- a living human being.  But the question is the same: can it be proved through experiments that the genome can be added upon by random mutation?

Experiments on evolution must be done in order to prove it.  The Fossil record isn't enough, or the theory isn't theory.  The Scientific Method is a tried and true way of proving any hypothesis as theory.   I would like to challenge any serious Scientist to apply the scientific method into evolving a species into another species by random selection.

The genome of the species to be evolved must be counted: chromosomes must be counted in pairs and then the species must be selected for random mutation.  Careful observations must be made as to whether or not the number of chromosomes has changed.  will the species chosen advance to a higher order of life without the invervention of man?

If an experiment can be successfully done, then Evolution can be proved as a Theory and that random mutation can add to the Chromosome count of a species and change it to a higher order of life. :)  Perhaps its time to work on a new wild grain to make it domestic.  Again. 

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