Wednesday, May 23, 2012

3D art is AWESOME

Hmm, I have recently got a claim that all 3D art is soulless, and Stinted.  Well, let me show you a few renders out of the thinking box:

These four images are from the CG Society.  Are you going to stand by your opinion that CG is stilted, soulless, and non-dynamic?  Or are you going to retract your previous statement?

Elton Robb

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Character and Portrait Folio?


I have done nigh over 700 images using DAZ Studio in all hopes of working for Paizo or Wizards, essentially, I shouldn't be doing them for free.  However, the BIG TWO for D&D publishing are a company of curmudgeons.  There are, in some ways, a 3D Render can absolutely be used to illustrate scenes.

So what is the purpose of the Character and Portrait Folio?  To show off what 3D rendering scenes can and will do.

for instance:

These two were created using DAZ Studio.  The purpose of which is for you to use in your scenes or to represent your characters. ;)  I can do more complex scenes too.  Warriors fighting dragons, Gaeles, Lilends, and soon angels and demons. :)  Each image is Creative Commons licensed for sharing.  Why do so?  Well, one of the crazy things about Copyright is that I have the right to use the media I create as I see fit.  If I designate that it can be shared, then I can do so.  

After all, it lives in your minds.  If they are shared, they can propagate through many channels over the internet.  

Friday, May 18, 2012

The UberSurface Shader

So . . .

You've quested for photo-realism using DAZ Studio.  Many people have claimed that the 3Delight Renderer is subpar to Firefly.  And in your quest for the perfect photorealistic render you have done everything possible.  You've played with regular surfaces.  You manipulated the glossiness of your Specularity channel and you've played with the Human Surface Shader, but nothing.  You may have even dabbled in Reality voodoo, but . . . nothing can prepare you for . . . THE UBER SURFACE SHADER!

Kytana, Iconic Kineticist by ~Atlantean6 on deviantART

The UberSurface Shader is about as different from the Human Surface Shader as D&D 3.5 is to the Pathfinder RPG.  But as you can see above, you can get some interesting results.  So, where is this confection of culinary 3D delights for 3D confectionary magic?

It's been sitting in your Shader Presets folder, all along.

Above, Kytana, the Iconic Kineticist for PSIONICS UNLEASHED!!! was molded and rendered with this shader for prepared use for a Pathfinder Portfolio and Character Portrait product.  In the next few posts, I'll reveal the secrets of this shader.  In the meantime, I'll petition the makers of Mental Ray to produce a pay for product version of their renderer for DAZ Studio.

After all, this is the shader that can slice, dice, and render your surfaces to perfection.  Join us, in the next few posts for UBER SURFACE MAGIC! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

We don't want everything for free, we just want everything.

Crost Posted from Question Copyright:
Recently, I gave a Sita Sings the Blues talk to a roomful of 15-to-17-year-olds. Near the end I explained Free Culture and my stance against copyright, which led to some interesting discussion. Turns out most of them are manga fans, and familiar with publishers’ complaints about scanned and translated manga shared freely online. They all read them anyway (except one, who prefers to read entire manga in the bookstore). I asked them how they would choose to support artists they liked (once they had some disposable income) and they said:

  1. Donate buttons – with the qualification that they want to know as much as possible about where the donation is going. They said honesty and transparency are important.
  2. Kickstarter – They all knew about it (which was notable because none of them had heard of Flattr) and valued pitch videos that explained how the money would be used.
  3. Custom drawings
  4. Merch
  5. Physical copies
  6. Live Shared Experiences, including ballet, museum exhibits, and concerts. The event aspect was important; they wanted to be able to say, “Remember that one time when that awesome show was here…” They agreed seeing things in person is a more powerful experience than seeing things online, and worth spending more on. One said she would buy CD at a live show because “it reminds you of the show.”
  7. One said he would support artists by promoting their work to his friends.
Semi-related, I took an informal poll of how many would prefer to read a book on paper vs. an e-reader. The vast majority said paper, but what they really seemed to want was dual formats: paper copies to read comfortably and collect, and digital copies to search and reference. Makes sense to me. Only two of them had iPads, and none used them for “enhanced eBooks.”

My favorite quote of the afternoon, from a 15-year-old girl:

“We don’t want everything for free. We just want everything.

Atypical Adventure Party

An atypical adventure party, if I say so myself.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

What is a Christian?

A primer for Atheists.

So, the question is, what is a Christian?

A Christian is simple, he has taken upon himself the name of Christ.  Yahushua ben Yosif, called Jesus Christ in English.  Jesus has no meaning in Hebrew, the name Yahushua transliterates to Joshua in English and not "Jesus."  Jesus in Greek is pronounced: "Hey Zeus!"   Christ is Christos in Greek, and it means the anointed one.

However, since Yahushua ben Yosif introduces himself as Jesus Christ in the scriptures (Behold, I am Jesus Christ . . . on at least two separate occasions) we will use Jesus.  So, a Christian has taken upon himself the name of Jesus Christ; something that usually happens at Baptism.

So, what does it mean to take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ?  Well, since the second commandment is "Thou shalt not take my name in vain" there is something in there that is telling.  It means your thoughts, your words, your actions, and your character.  When we take upon ourselves the name of Christ, we are expected to act in a way parallel or liken unto the Christ.

Although as for myself, some people may judge me through my images that I have not been doing so.  This is wrong, I stopped making actual adult images a long time ago with the goal of titilation. :)  This also doesn't include roleplaying games -- Creation is a godly act.  When we play D&D, we are co-creating with each other a story, so it's still godly. 

The Path of the Mystic

The Good Shepherd, an archetype for Christ
As Christians, we should be achieving the status of a mystic.  This doesn't mean we run around casting spells and reading minds.  It basically means that we work on our own Trees of Life.  The Tree of Life, although a real tree, is a personal symbol for each of us.  We can nurture the Tree or we can let it die.

Another aspect of the Mystic is gaining the understanding who we are.  This is understanding the Law.  Call it Attraction, call it something else; the Law of Cause of Effect is how we, as intelligent beings; interact with the Universe.

Thirdly, there is the relationship between you, Christ, and his Father (and our Father).  We are to be friends of the Gods that are (presumably) high above.  When we achieve this relationship, and maintain it, we can achieve a potential greater than we can ever imagine.

Lastly, we have to realize who we really are and seek oneness with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, or the Father. Wait, I know you are probably confused -- I capitalized Father twice right?  The relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost has been greatly confused by the Nicaean Creed.  But we aren't going to diverge into God the Father, God the Great Eternal Father, and Jesus Christ (to do so would confuse you further since this is an introduction on what a Christian is).

The Mystic and the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments, the holy writ given to Moses by Yahweh (and yes, it's a spectacular thing when you can write on stone with your index finger), are consequences by living a Mystic Life in tune with our Father in Heaven.  By having a powerful relationship with Jesus Christ and his Father, you shall not do the following -- in general:

worship other gods.  This is includes cars, sports figures, hollywood actors, hollywood producers, President Obama (he's worshipped as a God, you know), etc.  But it also includes other supernatural gods such as Thoth, Anubis, Osiris, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Brigid, and the Creation itself.

make a graven image.  As a mystic and friend of Jesus Christ, you will see his Face in his own due time.  You don't need to make a Christus statue to worship and to be in awe about.  Nor do you need a likeness of Christ to remind you of what he looks like.

Not bow down to the other gods or to graven images.  When you do so, you are showing your devotion to someone else, and the Christ usually interprets this as hate being projected towards him.

not take the name of Christ in vain.  As a mystic on the inside, so you will be on the outside.  What is inside is usually projected outwards.  When you have a positive relationship with the Christ, you will generally not live as a Christian in vain.  Christians who focus on the outward appearance of being a Christian and are something else on the inside are, as you guess, hypocrites.

This is not a provision against profane speech, however.  It's perfectly alright to say "fuck" or "fuckin'" if you have to.  As long as people don't regard you as having a potty mouth (a mystic usually doesn't resort to these words or words like them, however).

remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy.  A mystic, as he understands what the Sabbath is for (Man doing God's work) will seek to make each and every day a Sabbath day.  However, learning this principle, you should know that Sunday, the 1st day of our week; isn't reserved for the sabbath.  The Sabbath is generally on the first new moon after the Vernal Equinox (according to the Parowan Prophet).

you will honor thy father and thy mother.  The Mystic regards his parents highly and seeks to make their name a blessing in the Earth.

you won't commit murder.  As a Mystic, human life is sacred to you; and as such you will not take human life -- or animal life for sport or for fun.  Or out of fear, or revenge, etc.

you won't adulterate your marriage.  Adultery is making profane the marriage bed -- having sexual relations outside your marriage.  Although this also includes homosexual relationships, promiscuous relationships, fornication, masturbation (although someone experimented with this and found he isn't cut off from feeling the Spirit), sodomy, and onanism (coitus interruptus), etc.

you won't steal.  As a mystic, what belongs to your neighbor is his, and you won't take it.  After all, if you understood yourself correctly, why would you need to?

bear false witness against thy neighbor.  This is basically perjury; but lying (distorting the facts, misrepresenting the facts, making up new facts -- ie. fiction) is something you won't do as a Mystic.  Nor as a Mystic would you purjure against or for your neighbor.

thou shalt not covet your neighbor's belongings.  Generally, Economics teaches a Scarcity mindset when it comes to resources.  However, the opposite is true to the Mystic.  The Mystic generally thinks in abundance terms and therefore there is enough for all (enough fish in the sea).

Jesus Christ came to Earth to show us the way.  He showed us by example how we are to live and regard each other.  And Jesus Christ and Yahweh are simply the same entity (being -- Christ doesn't respect Person).  So the same god that commanded Joshua and the Israelites to go cleanse the land of Canaan of it's inhabitants is also the Man that taught us how to live through his life on Earth.  Yahweh also is the name Man that died on the Cross for our sins as well as your sins.

As Christians, we believe on his name and we believe in his Sacrifice.  As Christians, we are expected to live our lives, Believe in his atonement for us that will cover us, and to live our life as the best us as we know how and Christ and our relationship to him will cover our sins and our garments are made white as snow; even as they were scarlet.  Christians are actually the most free people ever.

Next: British Israelitism, Jew Israelitism, and Afro-Israelitism and why I feel British Israelitism is the correct way of viewing the Lost Ten Tribes.

Friday, May 11, 2012

I don't know what you mean . . .

After all, I've been here all the time.  Slowpoke.

A dig on Greywulf's rogue.  another rogue in the party wanted to give a cheeky reply. 

DS4 comment: Not all of the old conforming outfits are going to work in DAZ Studio 4 Pro.  This was made by combining Exemen's Rogue from Renderosity with Kay's Leathers.  Exenem's Rogue outfit, while sexy, is not compatible with DS4.

The secret is the .PMD file.  It isn't compatible with DAZ Studio 4, as it creates some lovely distortions of your model.  The result? you have to rebuild the rigging all over again from the OBJ file.  What ever .pmd means, it's probably a poser thing and DAZ Studio doesn't translate that particular poser file very well. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Campaigning on Earth

Creating a roleplaying game set on Earth is probably the weirdest thing someone can do, right?  Well, going with the old saying -- Truth is Stranger than Fiction -- you have one heck of a campaign world roleplaying in history (His Story).

There are thousands of places to choose for campaigning with your PCs. Albion, which part ii -- the Celts -- will be showing up in.  The 1,001 Arabian Nights; Egypt, Greece, the Crusades (and the Levant), and so much more.

Sometimes, it's okay to go off the beaten path and mix and match themes on Earth to create your own unique setting with Earth.  According to Quantum Mechanics, there are an infinite number of possibilities, and while it is fun to create your own world; it can be a lot of fun you played with what ifs.

What if Sinbad the Sailor visited the Pharaoh?

What if Moses and the Israelites visited India? (the evidence is circumstantial that they did -- 40 years wandering in the wilderness -- the Hindus calling Moses "Mousa" -- it's not impossible.  No nation as big as Israel's can stay in the Arabian Desert for 40 years!)

What if King Richard met Sinbad the Sailor?

What if the Franks on their First Crusade were defeated by the Muslims?

What if Jericho is a rich place to set a roleplaying game, back in the Age of Leo or Virgo?

 Stories from the Stone Age, part 1.  A good place to start, if you want to create a roleplaying game set in the Age of Virgo.

Truth is stranger than Fiction in most every respect.  There are ages on Earth that can be told in a Roleplaying Game.  A mythic version of Medieval Europe, America before Columbus or even Christ.

Ancient China (GURPS China is a starting point); and there are several ways you can have a D&D Game, or even a Pathfinder Game; using the strangeness of our own world as your starting point.

In the movies, Father Abram left Haran because he was fed up with polytheism.  Under his own account, he was desirous to have the blessings of Heber, his grandfather; and felt he needed a place of his own because he couldn't worship Yahweh according to his own conscience.

The story of Moses was different as well.  The bible leaves out a lot of detail in it's stories.  The colonizing of Britain is different and the two stories are contradictory.

However, combining the two stories can make for interesting stories.  On the one hand, you have secular Archaeology, and the other human testimony.  Combine the two together, and you have an interesting campaign setting (like the meeting of the Beaker culture with the first of the Celts -- according to myth iron was deadly to the Fair Folk -- the Beaker culture had bronze to fight with and apparently whatever happened the Beaker people had become the Fair Folk in Celtic Myth).

There are interesting parallels between Hercules and Samson the Israelite Judge.  So much that one could say that either Samson was a prototype, or Hercules was the prototype (I say Hercules was the prototype, because there was a powerful fighter that lived in Thebes around when Hercules was supposed to have lived, and the two traditions were combined to form Hercules).

You have a lot to explore.  Man's history here on earth, combined with what Archaeology has been coming out with -- has become richer.  Sometimes, Archaeology can come up with strange and interesting conclusions.

If anything, you still create your own world; but roleplaying on Earth gives you some interesting legends to draw on, real myth and history provides a play ground for roleplaying; and Archaeology and Anthropology (when it feels right and not stupid) can provide some interesting inspirations.

Just remember the first rule of RPing:
--- Make it consistent, make it good, and make it fun.

Pathfinder, D&D, GURPS are there to give you tools to play.  You can play in anything, just make sure it is FUN! :)

Earth should be my Campaign World

Reading the Trans-migrations of a certain people (Israelites) makes me think that I should be running Celtic Campaigns on Earth Either in Albion, Hybernia, or Hyboria.  Truth can be stranger than fiction.  Apparently, to understand the Israelitish trans-migration is to understand our Geneaology.  You all heard it that Western and Northern Europeans are Gentiles (non-israelites) and the Crew that worship Judaism are the Chosen People of God.  Well . . . that's not quite the case.

First of all, we need to begin at the Age of Cancer, rather than the Age of Leo.  Noah (known in Chinese as Nu Wa [They mixed up his sex, probably the first time a man's sex got confused by a Nation; the second time where we mixed up the sex of Jesus Christ and his Father and assume them to be women]).  Noah had three sons -- Shem, Japheth, and Ham.

Shem married a white woman, Japheth married a woman who is described as Chinese in appearance, and Ham married a black woman.  All three brothers were admitted into the Celestial Kingdom for making themselves perfect custodians of Life upon the Ark.

Apparently, by studying God's promises to his people, Noah had left a considerable amount of land to his son Shem.  This included the Fertile Crescent, the western part being the Levant.  This included all the land of Cannaan, Syria, Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer.  However, as one traces the migrations of Hebrews, it is apparent that Shem had been given much more land than supposed.

Shem's lands also include: Spain, France, Holland, parts of the Rhineland, Scandinavia (Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Dan's Mark), Britain, and the Americas.  That's the largest parcel of land given to anyone.  But then Noah had to divide up the Earth amongst his sons, and since Shem was the Birthright Son, Shem got the largest parcel of land.

Japheth was given a good parcel of land; from Japheth came the Indo-Europeans: all of the first Indians, Persians, first Greeks (Pelasgius), Romans, and the first peoples of the Caucasus mountains are descended from him.  The tribes of Gomer and Magog are his legacy.   But so are the Modern Jew (Togramah and Ashkenaz). 

Ham was given all of Africa, and parts of India.  His sons Mizraim, Cush, and Canaan were given parcels of land in Egypt, Ethiopia, and Morocco.  Cannaan never did settle in Morocco; he stole the Levant from Shem instead.  As a result, Ham, Mizraim, and Cush cursed Cannaan.  Ham cursed his own son, after his son's cursing by Noah, that what he steals will result in the destruction of his legacy as a Nation  (Cannaan's son Sin would eventually carry on his legacy as the Hittites and eventually the Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, and the Cambodians -- the Japanese people are special).

During the Age of Gemini, the first 70 Nations of men were founded and were waxing large in population.  The accounts of their wars and their politics were never written into the Bible, with the exception of Nimrod's politics and the Tower of Babel (Babylon) that he built.  So we have to turn to Secular History -- which is preserved in Myths and Legends -- to understand what happened.

The Founding of Israel

The founding of the Ethnos called Israel begins with one man.  Abraham.  This is taken from an account written by his own hand upon Papyrus:
"In the land of the aChaldeans, at the residence of my fathers, I,bAbraham, saw that it was needful for me to obtain another place of cresidence;

 And, finding there was greater ahappiness and peace and rest for me, I sought for the blessings of the fathers, and the right whereunto I should be ordained to administer the same; having been myself a follower of brighteousness, desiring also to be one who possessed great cknowledge, and to be a greater follower of righteousness, and to possess a greater knowledge, and to be a father of many dnations, a prince of peace, and edesiring to receive instructions, and to keep the commandments of God, I became a rightful heir, a fHigh Priest, holding the right belonging to the fathers.
 It was aconferred upon me from the fathers; it came down from the fathers, from the beginning of time, yea, even from the beginning, or before the foundation of the earth, down to the present time, even the right of the bfirstborn, or the first man, who is cAdam, or first father, through the fathers unto me.
 I sought for mine aappointment unto the Priesthood according to the appointment of God unto the bfathers concerning the seed."
Book of Abraham, Chapter 1:1-3.
Abraham is in the History Books.  He actually came up out of the land of the Chaldees, which was under the sway of the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom at the time.  Abraham records the founding of Egypt under Mizraim and his wife -- Egyptus.  Also, the time period in which Abraham lived was the Age of Taurus, the Bull.
"Now this king of Egypt was a descendant from the aloins ofbHam, and was a partaker of the blood of the cCanaanites by birth.
 22 From this descent sprang all the Egyptians, and thus the blood of the aCanaanites was preserved in the land.
 23 The land of aEgypt being first discovered by a woman, who was the daughter of Ham, and the daughter of Egyptus, which in the Chaldean signifies Egypt, which signifies that which is forbidden;
 24 When this woman discovered the land it was under water, who afterward settled her sons in it; and thus, from Ham, sprang that race which preserved the curse in the land.
 25 Now the first agovernment of Egypt was established by Pharaoh, the eldest son of Egyptus, the daughter of Ham, and it was after the manner of the government of Ham, which was patriarchal.
 26 Pharaoh, being a righteous man, established his kingdom and judged his people wisely and justly all his days, seeking earnestly to imitate that aorder established by the fathers in the first generations, in the days of the first patriarchal reign, even in the reign of Adam, and also of Noah, his father, who blessed him with the bblessings of the earth, and with the blessings of wisdom, but cursed him as pertaining to the Priesthood.
 27 Now, Pharaoh being of that lineage by which he could not have the right of aPriesthood, notwithstanding the Pharaohs would fain bclaim it from Noah, through Ham, therefore my father was led away by their idolatry;"
Pharaoh Menes (Mizraim) was never the first king of Egypt to hold the title of Pharaoh, they just gave him the title for continuity.  Menes' son Pharaoh was the first to hold the title because that was his name.  Because he had ruled so wisely and so well, his name Pharaoh became a title for all the subsequent kings of Egypt. 
The Founding of the Kingdom of Britain

Now Abraham is descended from a man named Heber, who lived in the Age of Gemini.  Heber was a direct Descendant of Shem, and all the people descended from him were known as Hebrews.  The Hebrews had a distinctive pattern to distinguish them from the nations.  They had long faces, white skin, and -- a propensity to explore.

A tribe of Hebrews, during the Age of Gemini, went up out of the Fertile Crescent and settled in Britain.  In there travels, they brought with them a few people descended from Japheth.  These people are the Neolithic People of Britain.  These proto-Britons built Stonehenge using counterweights, stones, sand, and a simple understanding of levers.

After that, during the beginning of the Age of Taurus came another people.  Presumably Hebrew because their faces were long and their skins were white, this group was called the Beaker People because of their distinctive pots.  They also brought with them metals and the stuff made of bronze.  So, where did these people come from?

We go back to Abraham.

Abraham had two children -- one by an Egyptian named Ishmael, and another by Sarah named Isaac.  However, a fight over who will get the Birthright between Sarah and Hagar meant that Hagar would be kicked from the family.  Hagar and Ishmael were led into Arabia where they would found the Arabian people.  In fact, most muslims say they are the lineal or spiritual descendants of Ishmael who they claim is the Birthright Son.  Now Isaac was a polygamous sort and had many sons and daughters; but the Birthright went to Jacob and not his first born son Esau.

The Beaker People of England is most probably descended from Isaac's other wives.  And Jacob went on to found a powerful nation of White men (yes, White men).  Jacob had twelve sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar from Leah; from Rachel: Joseph of Egypt, and Benjamin; from Bilhah: Dan and Naphtali; and from Zilpah: Gad and Asher.

During the Age of Taurus, Joseph was taken into captivity by the Arabians being sold by Judah for 20 shekels of silver.  These Arabians or Beduins had taken Joseph and sold him as a slave into Egypt.  And from there Joseph arose from a simple slave to being governor of all Egypt.  He had taken an Egyptian wife and had two sons: Ephraim and Manasseh.  Manasseh was born before Ephraim, but Ephraim inherited the Birthright Blessing.

This was all during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt, when Egypt was ruled by the 11th to 14th Dynasties.  However, of the 70 souls belonging to Israel at that time that went into Egypt something strange happened.  Zarah and his family were missing!

A little background on Zarah.  Before Israel took his family into Egypt, Judah had married into the Cannaanites like his uncle Esau.  He took a Cannaanite wife.  This wife gave him three sons: Er, Onan, and Shelah.  When Er was of age, Judah listened to the counsel of his father and gave Er Tamar: who was of Elamite (re: Sumerian) royalty.

Okay, everything went well until during the Wedding night Er died of a heart attack.  Angered that this happened, Judah gave Tamar to Onan to wife.  However, Onan refused to plant his seed in Tamar's womb because she was his brother's wife, and then he died of a heart attack.  Saddened that two of his sons died, Judah promised Tamar to Shelah.

However, Tamar disguised herself as a harlot and Judah managed to do something stupid.  He procured her services as a harlot (i.e. Prostitute) and planted his seed in her womb.  The results was forced marriage, and Judah took Tamar for his wife.  Tamar gave him twins -- Zarah and Pharez.  When Judah took his family into Egypt, Pharez and his wife and Shelah and his wife followed him.

So, when the famine hit, Zarah couldn't stand it and so he took his family where they could live.  Apparently, they went north.  To Turkey.  And built city and an empire on the edge of Hittite territory over the ruins of an old Hittite city.  Zarah's family founded Troy.

However, that's not all.  Many of Judah's family left Egypt during the Middle Kingdom. One of his descendants made it to Athens and became Athens' first king.  He introduced basic laws:  Laws pertaining to marriage, stealing, murder, theft, and governance.  Other of Israel's family left Egypt and traveled into Hybernia (Spain), and Northern Europe, strengthening the Beaker Culture that flourished there.  However, Israel grew, and grew until a new Pharaoh came into the picture.  This Pharaoh was the first of the 12 Dynasty.

This Pharaoh, Amenemhat I, did not know Joseph.  He worried that the Ethnic Israelites will destroy Egyptian Identity.  So to preserve his race, this Pharaoh had turned the Israelites into White slaves (note, the Egyptians were dark, dusky black skinned but didn't carry the features that delineated them to be of Cush -- they favored the long face of Ham, while the people of Cush favored the blunt nose, and short face of Ham's Black wife).

At the end of the 14th Dynasty, and after 400 years of white slavery, Neferhotep was Pharaoh and he contended with the Levite Moses (Amenemhat III).  After the ten plagues of Egypt, Moses and the Israelites left Egypt with Neferhotep chasing them with his army.  When Israel crossed the Red Sea; Neferhotep and his armies perished, and the Amalekites moved into Egypt soon after and took over as the Hyksos.

That's not the end of the story.  you see, the Israelites were forced to journey in the wilderness for 40 years after the incident with the Golden Apis calf.  Moses took his people EVERYWHERE.  A list of places where they could have gone:

* India (the Hindus calls Moses "Mousa," so he must have been there)
* China.
* Mongolia.
* Ubekistan.
* the Ukraine.
* Persia.
* Babylon.
* Syria.
* Cacasus.
* Turkey.
* A good portion of Arabia.
* Korea.
* Burma.
* Cambodia.
* Afganistan
* Pakistan
* Siberia
* Caspian Russia.

It was forty years of wandering in the Wilderness.  FORTY YEARS!

The israelites in the Book of Numbers fluctuated.  So, some people have left and went into Europe.  Some settled elsewhere: India, China, etc.  By the time Israel went into the land of Cannaan to possess the land of Cannaan, the people were hardy and powerful from traveling and the people of Cannaan was so decadent, and so corrupt that most of them fell before the Israelites.

The Trojan War and Brutus

So, we turn our thoughts to Troy.  Zarah and his people founded Troy.  However, Paris stole Helen from Menelaus.  At the end of the Age of Taurus, the Danaans (the Mycenean Greeks) went up unto Troy to attack the Trojans for reasons other than just Helen.  Most probably, gold and silk.

Troy controlled the trade between Asia and Europe, and so the Greeks wanted in on the action.  What is not unusual is that the whole stupid affair with Troy was because it was an internal family squabble.  The Trojans are mostly descended from Zarah, with the Royal Family being the most pure.  The rest were mixed.  The Greeks that participated in the War were the descendants of Dan.

The war resulted in Troy's destruction and it involved the people around about.  With their city destroyed, the Trojans were scattered abroad (and some were taken captive into Greece).  Paris' people eventually made it to France and founded the city of Paris.  And as for Aeneas?

Aeneas founded a kingdom in Etrusca, and his descendants were Romulus and Remus.  But that is not all.  He had a grandson.  Brutus, being of the sort that was impulsive, committed an accidental killing of his father.  Forced to flee, he got many of his ethnic trojans out of Greece and went up into Spain and eventually England and founded Caer Troyas or what will become known as London.  His invasion was the first Iron Age invasion of Britain.  The Beaker culture in Britain became his subjects and the line of Zarah was preserved in the Land of Britain.

Our story continues in part 2 -- The Celts.