Friday, May 11, 2012

I don't know what you mean . . .

After all, I've been here all the time.  Slowpoke.

A dig on Greywulf's rogue.  another rogue in the party wanted to give a cheeky reply. 

DS4 comment: Not all of the old conforming outfits are going to work in DAZ Studio 4 Pro.  This was made by combining Exemen's Rogue from Renderosity with Kay's Leathers.  Exenem's Rogue outfit, while sexy, is not compatible with DS4.

The secret is the .PMD file.  It isn't compatible with DAZ Studio 4, as it creates some lovely distortions of your model.  The result? you have to rebuild the rigging all over again from the OBJ file.  What ever .pmd means, it's probably a poser thing and DAZ Studio doesn't translate that particular poser file very well. 

1 comment:

  1. Great render :)

    .pmd files are a royal pain even for a Poser users as well as they are not necessarily compatible between poser versions, even though it's a Poser-only format.

    They used to be popular with clothing creators are they're a lazy way to add morphs to an item, but very unpopular with users after they upgraded Poser and found out these items didn't work as they should. DAZ did the sensible thing and didn't support .pmd files at all and instructed their content creators not to use them.

    I've had success in DAZ Studio with clothes that do use .pmd files on Genesis. The magic of Auto-Fit does away with the need for all that nonsense in the first place :)
