Sunday, June 17, 2012

Things are Changing Fast

I know it has been a while since I kept this blog up.

The problem is that I'm embroiled in personal dramas that has kept me from up keeping this blog.  As of now though:

  • School work is not so much as easy as it is time consuming.  I'm learning web design in 4 weeks: i.e. how to use Dreamweaver.  The amount of school work on dreamweaver takes up 6 hours of my time.
  • I'm planning on creating my online portfolio.  From what I'm learning about Dreamweaver, I kinda laughed when I got Advertisement Design and Dreamweaver together.  In Advertisement Design, they are starting to push us towards building our own online portfolios.

And there are other stuff that is happening.  Sorry to not to keep you in light of what is happening.  I don't think my Portfolio will include a link to this personal blog until I can get it back on track.  :)  I think the day I can actually work for a living will be a great day indeed (and actually get paid for it).

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