It's finals week here in DAZ Land. I have to draw a self portrait of myself for my final figure drawing project. Then it's back to having fun writing. I'm planning to do a supplement on Paladins, as the above image suggests. This supplement for paladins is going to be about the Paladin in Galatea and can focus on various paladin orders, schools, and the types of Paladins that are in encountered in Galatea (Holy, Protection, and Retribution paladins). Also on the churches or religions they serve (the Knights of the Platinum Dragon, Christian Knights, The Sons of Mars, Paladins of the One (Orc Paladins), and Knights of the Blood (Massalian Elf Paladins).)
Why? It's easier to do a Paladin book in terms of art than a wizard book. ;)
You dres that? It's really, /really/ good!
Drew, not dres. Darned small netbook keyboard! :D
Uhm . . . well, if the Salt Lake Temple is in the background . . . :)
No, Greywulf, I can't take credit for drawing that. If I drew that well, I'd be considered to draw for Wizards of the Coast. I think. :)
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