Roleplaying in a fantasy world means that the life you roleplay in that world is just that -- Fantasy! In World of Warcraft, when you RP, you can be anyone, at any time, at any place. Its a fantasy, this means that it isn't REAL! Nothing that happens on World of Warcraft is meant to be real when you roleplay.
So here is my Rant for roleplaying on World of Warcraft. It either doesn't exist, it's frustrating, and its something that can cost you friendships if you aren't careful. People who play on the many World of Warcraft Roleplaying Servers are not Roleplayers at all! They play World of Warcraft for the fun of it and when you do RP, they think you are projecting your real self all the time.
It makes me sick that people confuse romance on an RP server in World of Warcraft to be the real thing. Although I had many opportunities to build a romance, I bungled them all. This is because people can't discern what is fantasy with what is real. So, if you want to play in World of Warcraft, I suggest buying the World of Warcraft pencil and paper RPG. Then you get a group of friends and have a grand time of free entertainment.
The idea to create a living novel, or story, is very appealing to creative types. It also is very fun and very exciting. The dynamic that World of Warcaft actually presents is strong and powerful, if everyone roleplayed their roles and understood that what happens in World of Warcraft, under a RP server, does not have a bearing on the real world.
So keep this in mind when playing World of Warcraft. Roleplaying in World of Warcraft does not usually exist, and when it does, becareful because most people have a tendency to blend the real world with the fantasy world.