What really happened with the Creation of the Earth? Did it happen by Accretion, or was their another method? Lately, new information about the Earth has fallen into our hands. First of all, we do know that the Earth is hollow.
There is a great many witnesses to the fact that the Earth is hollow. From Admiral Bird's flight, to a heathen Scandinavian, to visitors from the Hollow Earth. They are all consistent. There is a "sun" of sorts in the inner Earth and there is no horizon. It's bright, as bright as it is up here. And that the "sun" of sorts provides light to the inhabitants of the Earth.
Also, information coming from the Space Age completely challenges the assumptions that gravity is in charge of everything. From Dark Matter, to Dark Energy, to Dark Forces, the theory of Relativity used to govern the Universe has become something of a cart before the Horse. It has gotten so bad that those who follow the Big Bang Theory have become little more than Astrologers. They have created a religion where Intellect is worshipped and that the Universe was started by the Big Bang and that there will be a big crunch afterwords.
Lately, however, there comes along another Theory. This theory is the Electric Universe Theory. The Electrical Universe theory is pretty old. It really started in the Early 20th Century. It's the theory that Electromagnetism is the dominate force in the Universe and that gravity is basically the ashes of this force. So, what does this have to do with the Creation of the World?
If you notice, there is a "sun" at the core of the Earth. This "sun" is made of plasma. The core of the Earth isn't solid iron, it's plasma. And that the land it shines on is abundant and rich. So, if the inner core is plasma, what does that tell you about the Creation of the Earth? Are we interpreting Genesis in correctly?
The Book of Abraham expounds upon the Creation of the Earth. Abraham, the father of the Israelite Nation and father of a multitude of nations (the U.S.A., England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Georgia, etc.), was given an account of the Creation of the Earth. The entire account is in Chapter 4, verse 1.
"And the Lord said: Let us go down. And they went down at the beginning, and they -- that is the Gods -- organized and formed the Heavens and the Earth."
So, those who took part in the Creation of the Earth organized and formed the Earth. The Earth was brought into a paradisiacal state, and that Man was brought on the Earth to till the ground and transform it into a Celestial Kingdom.
So, lets look at the words organize and form.
or·gan·ize (ôr v. or·gan·ized, or·gan·iz·ing, or·gan·iz·es v.tr. 1. To put together into an orderly, functional, structured whole. 2. a. To arrange in a coherent form; systematize: organized her thoughts before speaking. b. To arrange in a desired pattern or structure: "The painting is organized about a young reaper enjoying his noonday rest" (William Carlos Williams). 3. To arrange systematically for harmonious or united action: organize a strike. See Synonyms at arrange. 4. a. To establish as an organization: organize a club. See Synonyms at found1. b. To induce (employees) to form or join a labor union. c. To induce the employees of (a business or an industry) to form or join a union: organize a factory. |
and now Form.
form (fôrm) n. 1. a. The shape and structure of an object. b. The body or outward appearance of a person or an animal considered separately from the face or head; figure. 2. a. The essence of something. b. The mode in which a thing exists, acts, or manifests itself; kind: a form of animal life; a form of blackmail. 3. a. Procedure as determined or governed by regulation or custom. b. A fixed order of words or procedures, as for use in a ceremony; a formula. 4. A document with blanks for the insertion of details or information: insurance forms. 5. a. Manners or conduct as governed by etiquette, decorum, or custom. b. Behavior according to a fixed or accepted standard: Tardiness is considered bad form. c. Performance considered with regard to acknowledged criteria: a good jump shooter having an unusual form. 6. a. Proven ability to perform: a musician at the top of her form. b. Fitness, as of an athlete or animal, with regard to health or training. c. The past performance of a racehorse. d. A racing form. 7. a. Method of arrangement or manner of coordinating elements in literary or musical composition or in organized discourse: presented my ideas in outline form; a treatise in the form of a dialogue. b. A particular type or example of such arrangement: The essay is a literary form. c. The design, structure, or pattern of a work of art: symphonic form. 8. a. A mold for the setting of concrete. b. A model of the human figure or part of it used for displaying clothes. c. A proportioned model that may be adjusted for fitting clothes. 9. A grade in a British secondary school or in some American private schools: the sixth form. 10. a. A linguistic form. b. The external aspect of words with regard to their inflections, pronunciation, or spelling. 11. a. Chiefly British A long seat; a bench. b. The resting place of a hare. 12. Botany A subdivision of a variety usually differing in one trivial characteristic, such as flower color. v. formed, form·ing, forms v.tr. 1. a. To give form to; shape: form clay into figures. b. To develop in the mind; conceive: form an opinion. 2. a. To shape or mold (dough, for example) into a particular form. b. To arrange oneself in: Holding out his arms, the cheerleader formed a T. The acrobats formed a pyramid. c. To organize or arrange: The environmentalists formed their own party. d. To fashion, train, or develop by instruction or precept: form a child's mind. 3. To come to have; develop or acquire: form a habit. 4. To constitute or compose a usually basic element, part, or characteristic of. 5. a. To produce (a tense, for example) by inflection: form the pluperfect. b. To make (a word) by derivation or composition. 6. To put in order; arrange. |
So those involved had organized, or arranged the materials of the Earth -- and gave it form -- a shape. Because of the core of the Earth is plasma, it means basically that the Earth was organized and formed from Plasma. In every case, those involved waited until they were obeyed.
So, was the planet composed in nothing around the Sun, Sol? Early human traditions and beliefs say that wasn't the case. Early astronomer priests among the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and the Greeks all held something in high regard: they called this Ra, or Shamash, or Helios -- or even Chronos or Saturn. So, like a ship isn't built without a shipyard -- the Planet wasn't built without a shipyard.
Those who were involved in the Creation of this Earth built the planet in the Planet Saturn -- Saturn was the shipyard in this case. And like every ship, there was a Christening and a Launching of this planet from the Sun, Saturn. Everything was prepared. The planet Earth was bathed in Saturn's Corona. On the Earth, the animals and plants (and humans) were subjected to a soft twilight of red. In the Earth, however, the plasma core had shined brilliantly allowing the plants and animals that were set there -- including Man -- to be subject to the entire spectrum. However, everything was eventually set up to fall.
Abraham goes into the same detail as the Genesis account, but we turn to Genesis. According to Genesis, there was light, and the light was divided from the Darkness. It is also interesting that the Sun, Sol, appeared on the Fifth Day of Creation rather than the first. So, what can we gain from this?
Scientifically, to stay within what Human Testimony has said over the years and to ignore the theory of Creation by Accretion, it leaves us with one alternative. The Earth and Saturn were captured by Sol!
First Day of Creation -- the Solar Wind assaults Saturn's Corona, blowing it away literally. The first sign was a brilliant light. God declared that this light was good, and the division is marked by Twilight at daybreak and at sundown. The darkness was called night, and the light was called day.
In the Second Day of Creation, the waters were gathered together to form an ocean or Sea, and the dry land appeared. Well, since Man had saw this happening, there had to be land on the Earth already. So, again, this is symbolic of what actually happened. The clearing of the Atmosphere is the best candidate.
On the Third Day, the atmosphere of the Earth had grown transparent. At first, the Atmosphere was dominated by a thick cloud cover. Not as thick as the Atmosphere of Venus, but thick enough to obscure the stars from view. On the third day, humans could see stars and nebulae. They could also see the first sun, the planet Saturn. The Planet Saturn was given the role of being in charge of time.
The lord said the Sun, Sol, was to rule the day and that the Moon, Luna, was to rule the night. Suppose if you were to transpose Moon with Saturn, you will get a better understanding of what ruled the night. According to the fifth and sixth days of creation, the animals and plants were brought forth abundantly on the Earth and man came to till the ground.
When did the Creation actually happen?
A. Presumptly after the Age of Virgo and at the beginning of the Age of Leo.
Q. Why are you using the Zodiac to keep time?
A. Because the Zodiac was placed in the Heavens to help us with the roll of years. This has nothing to do with Astrology rather than just time keeping. Each sign of the Zodiac has an "age" about 2,000 years. To find out what Age we are in, you just track which sign the sun rises in during the Vernal Equinox. We are currently in the Age of Pisces -- the Fish -- and are currently moving into the Age of Aquarius, or the water bearer. To ride through the full Precession of the Zodiac takes about 26,000 years.
Q. Are you equating Saturn with Kolob?
A. Yes, actually. Saturn is Kolob. Although it can be shocking to most Mormons since my dad bellowed that Kolob is actually close to God and that God isn't anywhere close like Saturn. However, if one takes a look at the scriptures intelligently and take human testimony immemorial into account, one has to come to the conclusion that Saturn is Kolob.
One revolution of Kolob is liken unto a day to the Lord. Or a thousand years. Saturn has an orbit of about 30 years. The polar revolution of Saturn hasn't been measured. Now it takes 26,000 years for the poles of the Earth to revolve one full circle. Perhaps Saturn's poles are much more energetic and only take a thousand years to revolve. Who really knows?
Q. Why haven't the Brethren (Thomas S. Monson and the rest) said anything about this?
A. They don't know. They just plainly don't know.
R. But they are prophets, they are supposed to tell us these things.
A. Would it change anything if they had? You can bring an Atheist to the Fountains of Truth, but you can't make him drink. If Thomas S. Monson knew what was going on, do you really think that he would tell us? Joseph Smith understood things that if he told the brethren, they would immediately turn on him and kill him. If Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet, he would be urging us to prepare for the Second Coming in a physical sense and prepare us to live in a Zion Society.
He can't expound on the doctrine in the Temple because it's too urgent now to prepare to survive to the Second Coming. Assuming that he does receive revelation and talks and walks with God (his talks never change, it's all the same sleeping gas. I have never heard anything edifying from Thomas S. Monson, his talks are about stroking the ego and making us feel good -- I had to turn to other sources to find the truth I so crave). This has been revealed to the World through other means than the Temple. So this means that we must have rejected the knowledge.
Q. How do you know that the Core of the Earth is plasma?
A. I haven't been to Agartha or the city called Eden, so I can't really give a testimony that what I said is true. I only have the testimony of others to go on. I missed an opportunity to go. I should have signed on board, but then I wouldn't be writing this blog because I most likely won't be connected to this internet. (Some people would probably say: "You should have gone!")
Q. Is the Earth truly hollow?
A. It has to be. When it was in the great constellation of planets, the Earth vibrated with sound frequency singing "eeeeaaaaooooaaaaeeeee," which is the Name of God. This is the music of the Spheres. You can't get such a beautiful sound with a perfectly solid sphere -- but you can get one from a hollow sphere. A hollow sphere acts as a sound speaker. A solid sphere acts as a buffer.
Q. How does Gravity work with a hollow sphere?
A. I don't know. A scientist named Rodney Cluff can explain this one better.
If you have any other questions, leave them in the comments section.