Friday, April 30, 2010
Wood Elf Shaman
Here is a wood elf Shaman that I've done up. No orc shamans, though. But I'll get one of those up. The Shaman is another animist like the druid. Except where as the druid deals with the environment, the shaman usually deals with spirits from the Spirit World. I'll probably add the orc shaman later, but the Lilian Bikini makes for an interesting outfit for wood elves, don't you think?
Classic Fantasy,
DAZ Studio,
Ereshkigal by ~Atlantean6 on deviantART
Just playing with Ereshkigal outfit before I try something serious. The outfit works as a cleric's costume. I wish there was a better outfit like this one. However if He-Man characters can run around in brief outfits I don't have a problem with it for a world like Wilderlands. However, one is stuck using what one can.
This is a picture of a dark cleric. I'll put one up of a good cleric soon.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Introduction Complete
The introduction to The World of Galatea: the Caithness Isles text is complete. The entire introduction introduces the World of Galatea, as well as contains licensing information for this free culture product. As a creative commons product, the entire world has been copylefted.
I did spell out some interesting things that you should know. You will be free to adapt and republish the work under any game you desire as long as you adhere to the Creative Commons license and the Open Game License, Game System License, or a similar license. You are prohibited to lock up this campaign setting or any derivatives behind a Copyright. You, however, can support the Artist (me) through donations via paypal. A donation to the Artist is supporting free culture and defeats ©ensorship and Internet piracy.
Merchandising will be released when the product is released. This is going to be fun!
Now working on:
I did spell out some interesting things that you should know. You will be free to adapt and republish the work under any game you desire as long as you adhere to the Creative Commons license and the Open Game License, Game System License, or a similar license. You are prohibited to lock up this campaign setting or any derivatives behind a Copyright. You, however, can support the Artist (me) through donations via paypal. A donation to the Artist is supporting free culture and defeats ©ensorship and Internet piracy.
Merchandising will be released when the product is released. This is going to be fun!
Now working on:
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
How to make money and create free culture
So, many artists defend Copyright because they think its the only way they are going to get paid. But Copyright is actually set up to protect distribution and not the artist. So, in a copyright free world, how does the Artist make money?
You can merchandise what you create and say that your merchandise supports the Artist or the Author. Here is how Nina Paley tackled the problem: instead of distribution through the usual channels she's distributing it through the audience.
She has made more from donations and merchandising spinoff products than any traditional distributor has offered before release. So this distribution model is good for many reasons. It puts you squarely on the audience's side. Instead of telling your audience they should not share, you encourage them to share. You also need to set up the economic infrastructure that will make you the focal point for activity around the work. So, instead of setting up an Intellectual Monopoly around your work (which pitts you against your audience) you let the work flow freely and take advantage of the one natural monopoly you have: attribution! Audiences appreciate you creating the work and they will enforce it because you are on their side and they want to be on your side! So here are my plans for releasing my campaign setting.
* My Campaign Setting will be released with a Copyleft Creative Commons, Commercial Share Alike license.
* I will make it very easy for people to donate to me. My campaign setting will be good and people support good art.
* I'll provide self containers, not content.
For instance, Nina Paley sells DVDs, T-shirts, pins, stickers, and other merchandising. It also makes clear what percentage of the money goes to the Artist. People want to know this! People will want to purchase merchandise connected to my campaign setting because they'll know how much of their money benefits me, the artist.
* I'll encourage commercial activity around my work, and give everyone a clear route to include me on the proceeds.
* I'll license my endorsement.
* Encourage all of you to get involved. Make derivative works, copy the work, distribute it around. Talk about my campaign setting!!
* Finally, I'll encourage remixture and reuse! That's the point of Copyleft. It's free culture for you to build on! :)
You can merchandise what you create and say that your merchandise supports the Artist or the Author. Here is how Nina Paley tackled the problem: instead of distribution through the usual channels she's distributing it through the audience.
She has made more from donations and merchandising spinoff products than any traditional distributor has offered before release. So this distribution model is good for many reasons. It puts you squarely on the audience's side. Instead of telling your audience they should not share, you encourage them to share. You also need to set up the economic infrastructure that will make you the focal point for activity around the work. So, instead of setting up an Intellectual Monopoly around your work (which pitts you against your audience) you let the work flow freely and take advantage of the one natural monopoly you have: attribution! Audiences appreciate you creating the work and they will enforce it because you are on their side and they want to be on your side! So here are my plans for releasing my campaign setting.
* My Campaign Setting will be released with a Copyleft Creative Commons, Commercial Share Alike license.
* I will make it very easy for people to donate to me. My campaign setting will be good and people support good art.
* I'll provide self containers, not content.
For instance, Nina Paley sells DVDs, T-shirts, pins, stickers, and other merchandising. It also makes clear what percentage of the money goes to the Artist. People want to know this! People will want to purchase merchandise connected to my campaign setting because they'll know how much of their money benefits me, the artist.
* I'll encourage commercial activity around my work, and give everyone a clear route to include me on the proceeds.
* I'll license my endorsement.
* Encourage all of you to get involved. Make derivative works, copy the work, distribute it around. Talk about my campaign setting!!
* Finally, I'll encourage remixture and reuse! That's the point of Copyleft. It's free culture for you to build on! :)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Jesus Christ as Kalki
There was something interesting while browsing a Hindu board that came up:
"I have been wondering something for quite some time. The "kalki avatar" is supposed to come at the end of this age to restore peace to the world. He is seen riding a white horse and having a blazing sword in his hand. In the bible, in the book of Revelation - chapter 19 I believe, Jesus Christ is also seen riding a white horse and having a sharp sword. So my question is will Jesus Christ be the anticipated "kalki avatar?"
"If yes, I see a big problem. If Jesus Christ is "kalki" then only Christians can go to heaven and be saved from hell-fire. What will happen to all the non-christians such as Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, etc. Will they be condemned to hell for eternity because they did not believe Jesus was the Son of God and died for their sins? Then God would not be fair right? What do y'all think?"
Christ as Kalki? The parallel has been explored before. Kalki is a Messianic Figure in Hinduism. Kalki is an avatar or incarnation of Vishnu that is supposed to come at the end of the Kali Yuga and wipe out the evil that is on the face of the Earth. Jesus Christ as the Messiah is what Christians know and believe, and Messianic Jews (a faction in Judaism that has been gaining a lot of attention and is growing) have come to realize.
There are some striking parallels between Kalki and the Messiah. For instance:
* Both would be preceded and accompanied by Fire.
* Both used the White Horse symbolism.
* Both will defeat Evil.
* One of the preceeding signs is great wickedness.
All of the Signs preceeding the Second Coming are these:
As for Kalki:
I can't find any right now. :(
But to answer the question of the Hindu who asked. Christ will save the more righteous of the people. This means all people: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Muslim, Christian, Pagan, Wiccan, Shinto -- all who are righteous and follow the Spirit or the teachings of their good and just ministers of their faith, will be saved. :)
So there is no need to worry.
"I have been wondering something for quite some time. The "kalki avatar" is supposed to come at the end of this age to restore peace to the world. He is seen riding a white horse and having a blazing sword in his hand. In the bible, in the book of Revelation - chapter 19 I believe, Jesus Christ is also seen riding a white horse and having a sharp sword. So my question is will Jesus Christ be the anticipated "kalki avatar?"
"If yes, I see a big problem. If Jesus Christ is "kalki" then only Christians can go to heaven and be saved from hell-fire. What will happen to all the non-christians such as Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, etc. Will they be condemned to hell for eternity because they did not believe Jesus was the Son of God and died for their sins? Then God would not be fair right? What do y'all think?"
Christ as Kalki? The parallel has been explored before. Kalki is a Messianic Figure in Hinduism. Kalki is an avatar or incarnation of Vishnu that is supposed to come at the end of the Kali Yuga and wipe out the evil that is on the face of the Earth. Jesus Christ as the Messiah is what Christians know and believe, and Messianic Jews (a faction in Judaism that has been gaining a lot of attention and is growing) have come to realize.
There are some striking parallels between Kalki and the Messiah. For instance:
* Both would be preceded and accompanied by Fire.
* Both used the White Horse symbolism.
* Both will defeat Evil.
* One of the preceeding signs is great wickedness.
All of the Signs preceeding the Second Coming are these:
As for Kalki:
I can't find any right now. :(
But to answer the question of the Hindu who asked. Christ will save the more righteous of the people. This means all people: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Muslim, Christian, Pagan, Wiccan, Shinto -- all who are righteous and follow the Spirit or the teachings of their good and just ministers of their faith, will be saved. :)
So there is no need to worry.
Wizards of the Coast and Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition, and the Game System License
I believe that Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast owns a complete Intellectual Monopoly over Dungeons and Dragons and the 4th Edition of said game. This belief is reinforced by comments on Enworld stating that they believe that Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast has the 3rd Party Publishers where they want them.
Contrast this with Paizo Publishing and their efforts to keep 3.5 Edition alive and in print with the Pathfinder game. Paizo Publishing uses the OGL and encourages everyone to do the same. This means that Paizo Publishing does not have an Intellectual Monopoly over Pathfinder. But Wizards of the Coast does over Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition.
The secret is in the license. Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast are protecting their intellectual monopoly through the enforcement of the Game System License on third party publishers. Secondly, they do not allow third party publishers to add to the DDI. Thirdly, to protect their monopolies, they took down the option to buy PDFs of earlier editions of the game.
Now, why would you think they want to do that? They wanted to protect their monopoly. However, locking an important piece of gamer culture away. Possibly forever. Future generations will be unable to play the games their parents or grandparents played. And this is bad.
The U.S. Constitution, an inspired Document made to guide and limit the power of the U.S. Government, provides for Copyrights. Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, known as the Copyright Clause, the Copyright and Patent Clause (or Patent and Copyright Clause), the Intellectual Property Clause and the Progress Clause, empowers the United States Congress: "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."
This is really a good thing -- Copyright is supposed to protect the consumer as well as the production. But how Wizards of the Coast is using their art is not a good thing, and they are hiding behind the Constitution and various Copyright Laws that came into existence since then. Especially the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. About a decade ago, Wizards of the Coast embarked on the Open Game License because Ryan Dancey understood what had happened during TSR, inc's stewardship over Dungeons and Dragons under Lorraine Williams. TSR, inc. attacked their own fans for posting derivative works of the Dungeons and Dragons game. To prevent this from happening, Ryan Dancey convinced everyone at WotC to open the game up. Thus the Open Game License was born!
However the license was a dismal failure. Not because of the license itself. But because of WotC itself. They hardly, if ever, used the license. WotC kept their own toys to themselves while ironically publishing them. In other words, they never supported the Open Gaming movement themselves. They just wanted to keep their own intellectual monopoly on everything they produced. When 4th Edition was released, I saw the writing on the wall and never bought into the new system.
Wizards of the Coast fears the Open Gaming Movement they inspired. They also fear the Public Domain, since they believe in intellectual "property" rights. Such a stance, however, is in line with the Big Six media companies -- one of which is the Walt Disney Company. Content, information, CULTURE, should be free. Books, DVDs, Computers, Film Prints, and Concert Performances should not be free.
People should be able to build on the Dungeons and Dragons game and other open games, adding to our culture and enriching the culture base. Dungeons and Dragons the game, in what ever incarnation, should be free.
So I propose that Copyright should be limited to physical media of distribution -- Books, computers, DVDs, CDs, Film Prints, and Concerts. And not to the culture contained within. All information should be released into the public domain for Artistic Expression and Advancement of the Arts; but the containers they are contained in should be restricted by copyright. Copyright should be a publisher's right to reproduce all culture in a PHYSICAL form. Culture should be free and in the domain of the public. The public has the Unalienable Right to produce derivative works on all culture. No culture should be locked up by Big Media companies. If it's physical, there should be a copyright or printer's right ("printer's right, I love that!"). If it's energy, or if it exists as 1s and 0s and is transmitted by laser, airwave, sound, or analog communication -- then copyright should not apply.
Copyright is bad. Printers' Rights -- the Right to reproduce culture in a physical form -- is good. Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro is doing a very bad thing by enforcing their Intellectual Monopoly. Lets abolish this and give Artist's the right to endorse a publisher to publish their work on the Internet, in books, on film, or whatever. Artists create by deriving their work on what has come before, not by creating out of whole cloth. Therefore, I urge everyone who reads this blog to send a letter to Wizards of the Coast and tell them in no uncertain terms that their Intellectual Monopoly over all editions of Dungeons and Dragons is bad for the gaming community, bad for artists, and bad for the world at large.
If they don't listen, boycott them and buy from 3rd party publishers only. Or buy from Paizo and send a letter to Paizo that you support the Open Gaming Movement by patronizing them and their products.
Contrast this with Paizo Publishing and their efforts to keep 3.5 Edition alive and in print with the Pathfinder game. Paizo Publishing uses the OGL and encourages everyone to do the same. This means that Paizo Publishing does not have an Intellectual Monopoly over Pathfinder. But Wizards of the Coast does over Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition.
The secret is in the license. Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast are protecting their intellectual monopoly through the enforcement of the Game System License on third party publishers. Secondly, they do not allow third party publishers to add to the DDI. Thirdly, to protect their monopolies, they took down the option to buy PDFs of earlier editions of the game.
Now, why would you think they want to do that? They wanted to protect their monopoly. However, locking an important piece of gamer culture away. Possibly forever. Future generations will be unable to play the games their parents or grandparents played. And this is bad.
The U.S. Constitution, an inspired Document made to guide and limit the power of the U.S. Government, provides for Copyrights. Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, known as the Copyright Clause, the Copyright and Patent Clause (or Patent and Copyright Clause), the Intellectual Property Clause and the Progress Clause, empowers the United States Congress: "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."
This is really a good thing -- Copyright is supposed to protect the consumer as well as the production. But how Wizards of the Coast is using their art is not a good thing, and they are hiding behind the Constitution and various Copyright Laws that came into existence since then. Especially the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. About a decade ago, Wizards of the Coast embarked on the Open Game License because Ryan Dancey understood what had happened during TSR, inc's stewardship over Dungeons and Dragons under Lorraine Williams. TSR, inc. attacked their own fans for posting derivative works of the Dungeons and Dragons game. To prevent this from happening, Ryan Dancey convinced everyone at WotC to open the game up. Thus the Open Game License was born!
However the license was a dismal failure. Not because of the license itself. But because of WotC itself. They hardly, if ever, used the license. WotC kept their own toys to themselves while ironically publishing them. In other words, they never supported the Open Gaming movement themselves. They just wanted to keep their own intellectual monopoly on everything they produced. When 4th Edition was released, I saw the writing on the wall and never bought into the new system.
Wizards of the Coast fears the Open Gaming Movement they inspired. They also fear the Public Domain, since they believe in intellectual "property" rights. Such a stance, however, is in line with the Big Six media companies -- one of which is the Walt Disney Company. Content, information, CULTURE, should be free. Books, DVDs, Computers, Film Prints, and Concert Performances should not be free.
People should be able to build on the Dungeons and Dragons game and other open games, adding to our culture and enriching the culture base. Dungeons and Dragons the game, in what ever incarnation, should be free.
So I propose that Copyright should be limited to physical media of distribution -- Books, computers, DVDs, CDs, Film Prints, and Concerts. And not to the culture contained within. All information should be released into the public domain for Artistic Expression and Advancement of the Arts; but the containers they are contained in should be restricted by copyright. Copyright should be a publisher's right to reproduce all culture in a PHYSICAL form. Culture should be free and in the domain of the public. The public has the Unalienable Right to produce derivative works on all culture. No culture should be locked up by Big Media companies. If it's physical, there should be a copyright or printer's right ("printer's right, I love that!"). If it's energy, or if it exists as 1s and 0s and is transmitted by laser, airwave, sound, or analog communication -- then copyright should not apply.
Copyright is bad. Printers' Rights -- the Right to reproduce culture in a physical form -- is good. Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro is doing a very bad thing by enforcing their Intellectual Monopoly. Lets abolish this and give Artist's the right to endorse a publisher to publish their work on the Internet, in books, on film, or whatever. Artists create by deriving their work on what has come before, not by creating out of whole cloth. Therefore, I urge everyone who reads this blog to send a letter to Wizards of the Coast and tell them in no uncertain terms that their Intellectual Monopoly over all editions of Dungeons and Dragons is bad for the gaming community, bad for artists, and bad for the world at large.
If they don't listen, boycott them and buy from 3rd party publishers only. Or buy from Paizo and send a letter to Paizo that you support the Open Gaming Movement by patronizing them and their products.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Copying is Not Theft
Copying is simply, not theft.
Animation, lyrics, and tune by Nina Paley. Music arranged by Nik Phelps; vocals by Connie Champagne. Released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.
Further everything we call art is a derivation of everything else.
Note: All Creative Work Is Derivative, is filmed by Nina Paley. It was supported by a grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation.
Animation, lyrics, and tune by Nina Paley. Music arranged by Nik Phelps; vocals by Connie Champagne. Released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.
Copying is not theft.
Stealing a thing leaves one less left
Copying it makes one thing more;
that's what copying's for.
Copying is not theft.
If I copy yours you have it too
One for me and one for you
That's what copies can do
If I steal your bicycle
you have to take the bus,
but if I just copy it
there's one for each of us!
Making more of a thing,
that is what we call "copying"
Sharing ideas with everyone
That's why copying
Further everything we call art is a derivation of everything else.
Note: All Creative Work Is Derivative, is filmed by Nina Paley. It was supported by a grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation.
Death of Copyright,
Derivative Works
Legal Information added!
This blog is officially protected by the 
The Atlantis Blog by Elton J. Robb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. And it is creator endorsed.
You are encouraged, but not required, to link back back to this article when using the marks online:
The Atlantis Blog by Elton J. Robb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. And it is creator endorsed.
Use and enforcement: The trademarks for these marks will be registered and held by
We define a "creator" to be the original copyright holder of the work, or in the case of public domain works, the person or entity that held the original copyright.
Any creator is free to grant others use of the marks in connection with the distribution of that creator's work. Anyone other than the creator is free to use the appropriate mark when distributing works by that creator, so long as the creator has given permission for ("endorsed") the use in question and the conditions for the mark continue to be met.
The creator may at any time prohibit a particular party from using the marks in reference to that creator's work(s). (This gives creators a way to avoid being associated with distributors or causes that they do not approve of. The distributor might still distribute the work without the mark, but there will be no implication that the creator endorses that distribution.) retains the right to alter these terms or the terms for any particular use in its sole discretion, which it may be likely to do if it finds that the use of the mark(s) is confusing or otherwise misleading.
Nothing in these terms of use grants you permission to distribute a work on terms other than those granted by the relevant copyright holder(s).
You may resize the marks, as long as their vertical and horizontal proportions remain the same, and you may change their foreground and/or background colors.
We define a "creator" to be the original copyright holder of the work, or in the case of public domain works, the person or entity that held the original copyright.
Any creator is free to grant others use of the marks in connection with the distribution of that creator's work. Anyone other than the creator is free to use the appropriate mark when distributing works by that creator, so long as the creator has given permission for ("endorsed") the use in question and the conditions for the mark continue to be met.
The creator may at any time prohibit a particular party from using the marks in reference to that creator's work(s). (This gives creators a way to avoid being associated with distributors or causes that they do not approve of. The distributor might still distribute the work without the mark, but there will be no implication that the creator endorses that distribution.) retains the right to alter these terms or the terms for any particular use in its sole discretion, which it may be likely to do if it finds that the use of the mark(s) is confusing or otherwise misleading.
Nothing in these terms of use grants you permission to distribute a work on terms other than those granted by the relevant copyright holder(s).
You may resize the marks, as long as their vertical and horizontal proportions remain the same, and you may change their foreground and/or background colors.
You are encouraged, but not required, to link back back to this article when using the marks online:
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Saturday, April 24, 2010
Aiko the Knight!
Templar Aiko by ~Atlantean6 on deviantART
Okay, she looks more disgusted more than anything. I need to get this thing with the facial features. I was trying for determined.
Classic Fantasy,
DAZ Studio,
The Hold is a sea grotto, a cave in use by humans. It is Day Mountain Sea Cave to be exact. It consists of passages and chambers. The grotto has an outlet to the sea by way of water. People have to dive into the sea and swim out. During the tide, the sea access chamber pretty much fills up with water.
Sea Access Chamber (room 1): this is where the PCs start. The Sea Access chamber is the lowest chamber of the grotto and fills up with sea water every two hours due to high tide. During low tide, the sea retreats.
Pirate Stash (room 2): Contains the first booty that the pirates stash. This treasure includes plate armor and lesser armors (leather jerkins and chain shirts) along with a fresh change of clothes. It also has weapons (quarterstaves, bows, swords, shields, arrows). With the exception of a masterwork longsword, the weapons are of standard quality.
Kobold Chamber (room 3): Kobolds are a part of the crew, but the racism of the pirates has forced the kobolds to act in a henchman like fashion. The four kobolds are alerted to the presence of the PCs and attack to defend the loot that the PCs had already taken.
If the PCs take any of the kobolds prisoner, they can interrogate the kobolds to find out what or who is in the grotto. If pressed, the kobold will reveal that he works for Calypso Jack. Calypso Jack is the most notorious pirate in these waters.
The passage leads to an upper slave chamber and to a second pirate stash chamber.
Slave Chamber (room 3a) -- several slaves are located in this chamber. They are made up of human and lizard-folk slaves. They can only be freed with a key that the pirate conjurer in room 3b has.
2nd Pirate Stash Chamber (room 4) -- guarded by a conjurer. The pirate conjurer will conjure two monsters to fight for him and use offensive spells (magic missile, lesser firebolt, sleep) in order to overcome the PCs.
The stash includes alchemical apparati and rare spell components. The chamber was going to be set up as an alchemical lab. The conjurer does have the key to free the slaves in the slave chamber.
Bat Chamber (room 5): This chamber contains bats and bat guano. If the bats are disturbed, they will fly around to confuse the PCs.
Pet Chamber (room 6): Calypso keeps a Shadow Wolf as a pet in this chamber. The pet doesn't like intruders and barks loudly and attacks the PCs, alerting the other pirates.
Ship chamber (room 7): Contains the wreck of the pirate ship Chimaera. The pirates here attack en-masse governed by mook rules (4 hp total, they are either up or they are down). Here they face First Mate John, which is a powerful ogre in an outfit like the Jack of Hearts. He's armed with large hammers and can get magic hammers when he's down to 60% of his hp.
Captain's Cabin (room 8): Calypso Jack is here. SHE is wearing her best clothes and is armed with two flintlock pistols and a rapier. She has two pirate guards guarding her. In her cabin, she holds the jewel -- the young princess Ihitha of a far away kingdom.
Secret Passage to Castle Prospect (room 9): the secret passage leads to the dining room of the Castle Prospect. An implication that Calypso Jack is in league with the Count of Castle Prospect.
Passage out (room 10): another passage that leads to freedom and the coast.
Act breakdown
Act 1: the PCs find themselves in a grotto after swimming for their lives after their ship was wrecked.
Act 2: Upon learning that the captain is holding a valuable jewel and that there is a way out besides the access chamber, the PCs should be motivated to find the way out.
Act 3: Mook facedown! The PCs face a pirate horde governed by mook rules. The fight should be fast and furious with the PCs facing down First Mate John, a "boss" like NPC.
Act 4: Calypso Jack -- the adventure reaches a crescendo with the face down of Calypso Jack. She is armed with flintlock pistols and a rapier and she isn't afraid to use them. Calypso Jack is protected by two armed pirate guards and is safeguarding the jewel -- the princess Ihithia -- in her cabin.
Denouement -- The jewel is safe, and the PCs find a way out of the caves. They even freed the slaves. Justice has been served and the authorities can take the pirates away to serve time. The PCs can continue their adventures.
Sequels! -- Adventures like this can spark sequels. Possible sequels include --
Kingdom of the Jewel -- the PCs escort Princess Ihithia back to her kingdom. The adventure to a near mythical kingdom can be a campaign unto itself. The kingdom is a Medieval or Ancient India analog.
The Count of Castle Prospect -- Perhaps the count of Castle Prospect was in league with the pirates of Day Mountain Grotto. Perhaps he was on the take. The PCs can investigate his shady past and expose the pirate for what he is -- a crooked aristocrat.
The Ghosts of Day Mountain Grotto -- perhaps, after many days, the grotto becomes haunted by those that were slain by the PCs. A new generation of PCs return to the Pirate's Hold to clear the grotto of ghosts and goblins. The PCs return to find Captain Calypso Jack's legacy and her last will and testament -- bequeathing the Chimaera to the PCs. Which they can fix up into a nice thieves' den.
The Hold is a sea grotto, a cave in use by humans. It is Day Mountain Sea Cave to be exact. It consists of passages and chambers. The grotto has an outlet to the sea by way of water. People have to dive into the sea and swim out. During the tide, the sea access chamber pretty much fills up with water.
Sea Access Chamber (room 1): this is where the PCs start. The Sea Access chamber is the lowest chamber of the grotto and fills up with sea water every two hours due to high tide. During low tide, the sea retreats.
Pirate Stash (room 2): Contains the first booty that the pirates stash. This treasure includes plate armor and lesser armors (leather jerkins and chain shirts) along with a fresh change of clothes. It also has weapons (quarterstaves, bows, swords, shields, arrows). With the exception of a masterwork longsword, the weapons are of standard quality.
Kobold Chamber (room 3): Kobolds are a part of the crew, but the racism of the pirates has forced the kobolds to act in a henchman like fashion. The four kobolds are alerted to the presence of the PCs and attack to defend the loot that the PCs had already taken.
If the PCs take any of the kobolds prisoner, they can interrogate the kobolds to find out what or who is in the grotto. If pressed, the kobold will reveal that he works for Calypso Jack. Calypso Jack is the most notorious pirate in these waters.
The passage leads to an upper slave chamber and to a second pirate stash chamber.
Slave Chamber (room 3a) -- several slaves are located in this chamber. They are made up of human and lizard-folk slaves. They can only be freed with a key that the pirate conjurer in room 3b has.
2nd Pirate Stash Chamber (room 4) -- guarded by a conjurer. The pirate conjurer will conjure two monsters to fight for him and use offensive spells (magic missile, lesser firebolt, sleep) in order to overcome the PCs.
The stash includes alchemical apparati and rare spell components. The chamber was going to be set up as an alchemical lab. The conjurer does have the key to free the slaves in the slave chamber.
Bat Chamber (room 5): This chamber contains bats and bat guano. If the bats are disturbed, they will fly around to confuse the PCs.
Pet Chamber (room 6): Calypso keeps a Shadow Wolf as a pet in this chamber. The pet doesn't like intruders and barks loudly and attacks the PCs, alerting the other pirates.
Ship chamber (room 7): Contains the wreck of the pirate ship Chimaera. The pirates here attack en-masse governed by mook rules (4 hp total, they are either up or they are down). Here they face First Mate John, which is a powerful ogre in an outfit like the Jack of Hearts. He's armed with large hammers and can get magic hammers when he's down to 60% of his hp.
Captain's Cabin (room 8): Calypso Jack is here. SHE is wearing her best clothes and is armed with two flintlock pistols and a rapier. She has two pirate guards guarding her. In her cabin, she holds the jewel -- the young princess Ihitha of a far away kingdom.
Secret Passage to Castle Prospect (room 9): the secret passage leads to the dining room of the Castle Prospect. An implication that Calypso Jack is in league with the Count of Castle Prospect.
Passage out (room 10): another passage that leads to freedom and the coast.
Act breakdown
Act 1: the PCs find themselves in a grotto after swimming for their lives after their ship was wrecked.
Act 2: Upon learning that the captain is holding a valuable jewel and that there is a way out besides the access chamber, the PCs should be motivated to find the way out.
Act 3: Mook facedown! The PCs face a pirate horde governed by mook rules. The fight should be fast and furious with the PCs facing down First Mate John, a "boss" like NPC.
Act 4: Calypso Jack -- the adventure reaches a crescendo with the face down of Calypso Jack. She is armed with flintlock pistols and a rapier and she isn't afraid to use them. Calypso Jack is protected by two armed pirate guards and is safeguarding the jewel -- the princess Ihithia -- in her cabin.
Denouement -- The jewel is safe, and the PCs find a way out of the caves. They even freed the slaves. Justice has been served and the authorities can take the pirates away to serve time. The PCs can continue their adventures.
Sequels! -- Adventures like this can spark sequels. Possible sequels include --
Kingdom of the Jewel -- the PCs escort Princess Ihithia back to her kingdom. The adventure to a near mythical kingdom can be a campaign unto itself. The kingdom is a Medieval or Ancient India analog.
The Count of Castle Prospect -- Perhaps the count of Castle Prospect was in league with the pirates of Day Mountain Grotto. Perhaps he was on the take. The PCs can investigate his shady past and expose the pirate for what he is -- a crooked aristocrat.
The Ghosts of Day Mountain Grotto -- perhaps, after many days, the grotto becomes haunted by those that were slain by the PCs. A new generation of PCs return to the Pirate's Hold to clear the grotto of ghosts and goblins. The PCs return to find Captain Calypso Jack's legacy and her last will and testament -- bequeathing the Chimaera to the PCs. Which they can fix up into a nice thieves' den.
Powerful Paladin
Want to see what a female paladin with 18 strength looks like?
That is a female paladin with 18 Strength. Bremusa struts her stuff in the Angeluz Armor.
That is a female paladin with 18 Strength. Bremusa struts her stuff in the Angeluz Armor.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Writing for the Pathfinder Society
My cousin has urged me to write for the Pathfinder society. Here is my idea:
Having been sent on a mission for your king, you the PCs take a ride by boat. Unfortunately, a freak storm beset your ship and wrecked it. All hands are presumed lost, except for you. Swimming for your lives, you make it to Day Mountain Grotto, by swimming the stretch into one of the cave's chambers. You are cold and wet and hungry. However, little do you know that this grotto is in use by pirates . . .
Escape from Pirates' Hold is an Adventure for Tier 1-5 (subtier 1-2) characters. It's simple, you must escape by any means necessary and get your bearings.
* A Classic Tale of Swashbuckling Adventure and Romance.
* Fight your way out of Pirate's Hold.
* And save the precious jewel.
* Written in Screenplay style ala Feng Shui.
High Adventure, not on the high seas, but on the coast. Escape from Pirate's Hold is breathtaking in its scope. :) Fight Pirates. Fight monsters. Fight even the dreaded Pirate Captain Calypso Jack. It's fun for your entire group! :)
Written by Elton Robb (and hopefully, the cover illustration!).
Having been sent on a mission for your king, you the PCs take a ride by boat. Unfortunately, a freak storm beset your ship and wrecked it. All hands are presumed lost, except for you. Swimming for your lives, you make it to Day Mountain Grotto, by swimming the stretch into one of the cave's chambers. You are cold and wet and hungry. However, little do you know that this grotto is in use by pirates . . .
Escape from Pirates' Hold is an Adventure for Tier 1-5 (subtier 1-2) characters. It's simple, you must escape by any means necessary and get your bearings.
* A Classic Tale of Swashbuckling Adventure and Romance.
* Fight your way out of Pirate's Hold.
* And save the precious jewel.
* Written in Screenplay style ala Feng Shui.
High Adventure, not on the high seas, but on the coast. Escape from Pirate's Hold is breathtaking in its scope. :) Fight Pirates. Fight monsters. Fight even the dreaded Pirate Captain Calypso Jack. It's fun for your entire group! :)
Written by Elton Robb (and hopefully, the cover illustration!).
Organized Play,
Pathfinder Society
Steal these heroes!
Mystery Men provides some interesting super heroes.
Especially Ballerina Man. :)
Especially Ballerina Man. :)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Invasion of Bromsgrove
I'm hosting a Pathfinder Society(tm) Organized Play game at my brother's house (so far). Here's the skinny:
Bromsgrove -- a small farming village located in the Republic of Devonshire with a sinister legacy. Now, a clan of gnomes seek vengeance on the hamlet for wrongs done to them long ago and for the return of fantastic riches lost to them in the shadows of the past. But to save the village, the adventurers must seek answers from the most unlikely sources. However, as the PCs solve the mystery of Bromsgrove, everyone wants to claim the village. The clan, an army of Massalian Elves from Caer Massalia, and even a band of murderous robbers. But who should claim it is up to the PCs to decide . . .
This adventure is based on The Invasion of Arun'Kid originally conceived for the Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting by Kenzer and Company for 3rd Edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Follow the following Guidelines and everything should be okay.
Races Allowed without any problems or GM approval:
Fun with Backgrounds!
The Invasion of Arun'Kid assumes that the PCs are natives to the village. But players have the option of being native or transient visitors. If the PCs are natives, choose a profession that makes sense to you and your character class. For instance, a Paladin or Fighter with noble heritage might actually be the town's leader. Or a bard can be an entertainer, while someone may study pottery or cobbling or something of that nature.
Make sure you have ranks in Craft and Profession if your character is an entrepreneur that is producing a good. If you have an entertainer's profession (innkeeper, singer, lady of the Night) then make sure you have the qualifying perform and profession skills. Professions that aren't into production or entertaining (like barrister/lawyer, statesman, or pioneer) only have ranks in their profession. Knowledge (local area) would be a good idea to start.
If you are visiting or seeking to live in Bromsgrove, its a good idea to have a profession other than "transient." Adventuring counts as a profession. Also, it's a good idea for you to list your family. Especially if your character hails from a noble family. If you are playing a noble, it's a good idea to list a genealogy of your character to at least the 4th Generation. And tell me what is going on with them. It is perfectly acceptable to play an orphan, but please note that this is a cliché.
I think that is it!
Bromsgrove -- a small farming village located in the Republic of Devonshire with a sinister legacy. Now, a clan of gnomes seek vengeance on the hamlet for wrongs done to them long ago and for the return of fantastic riches lost to them in the shadows of the past. But to save the village, the adventurers must seek answers from the most unlikely sources. However, as the PCs solve the mystery of Bromsgrove, everyone wants to claim the village. The clan, an army of Massalian Elves from Caer Massalia, and even a band of murderous robbers. But who should claim it is up to the PCs to decide . . .
This adventure is based on The Invasion of Arun'Kid originally conceived for the Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting by Kenzer and Company for 3rd Edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Follow the following Guidelines and everything should be okay.
Races Allowed without any problems or GM approval:
Fun with Backgrounds!
The Invasion of Arun'Kid assumes that the PCs are natives to the village. But players have the option of being native or transient visitors. If the PCs are natives, choose a profession that makes sense to you and your character class. For instance, a Paladin or Fighter with noble heritage might actually be the town's leader. Or a bard can be an entertainer, while someone may study pottery or cobbling or something of that nature.
Make sure you have ranks in Craft and Profession if your character is an entrepreneur that is producing a good. If you have an entertainer's profession (innkeeper, singer, lady of the Night) then make sure you have the qualifying perform and profession skills. Professions that aren't into production or entertaining (like barrister/lawyer, statesman, or pioneer) only have ranks in their profession. Knowledge (local area) would be a good idea to start.
If you are visiting or seeking to live in Bromsgrove, its a good idea to have a profession other than "transient." Adventuring counts as a profession. Also, it's a good idea for you to list your family. Especially if your character hails from a noble family. If you are playing a noble, it's a good idea to list a genealogy of your character to at least the 4th Generation. And tell me what is going on with them. It is perfectly acceptable to play an orphan, but please note that this is a cliché.
I think that is it!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Family Issues in RPGs
The Tao of D&D: Parental Abandonment is an article that deals with the family of the RPGer. In a nutshell, Adventure starts with the end of the family. However, the powerful fantasy that a child choses to leave his family to seek his fortune is very powerful. Also, what if the father kicked his son out?
Suppose the son is living in a Polygamous Family environment. He comes of age, and his culture fears unmarried young men with their women. So they urge the father to kick the boy out of the community to find a wife that is acceptable to the community (that is, she accepts plural marriage as the norm and even beneficial). Effectively divorced from his family, the young son goes into the world to find his fortune and to build his -- well in an ideal plural marriage environment you can't call it a harem. It's plural marriage.
So, an outcast, he is forced to go out in the world and go on adventure to build a family. When he returns to his father who has more than one wife the father explains why he had to kick him out. It seems that a single young man is a danger to the polygamous community. Young girls in the community never choose a single young man in that instance. They'd rather become a sister wife to an established good man. So, a young man must become established with a wife out in the world.
Other impeteus for adventure, without the parents having expired:
* A young man may feel that he's outgrown his family and he has to leave to grow and gain more experience. He leaves his ma and pa to find his fortune out on his own.
* War is called, and a young man is impressed into service to help his countrymen defeat their enemies.
* A young man is called by God or a god (depending on your mythological setup) to go on a religious journey. This is good for coming of age.
* The black sheep in the family is absorbed into the local thieves' guild and becomes a level 1 thief (in "modern" D&D, this class is called the Rogue).
* Some cultures may have children born under an auspicious sign to be trained in a particular guild. For example: the Elder Scrolls world, Argonian children born (hatched) under the Shadow are called Shadowscales and are immediately given to the Dark Brotherhood for training. They are to serve the dark god of Chaos, Sithis. They are ripped from their old family and given to a new family.
* Other impetii for adventure can be that the adventurer is kidnapped at a young age.
* His real father is a powerful duke, and he or she must adventure to make his or her claim.
* Or worse yet, his family is under a curse, and the adventurer must find a way to make things aright.
It's clichéd to start with a dead father or a dead mother. Or to be orphaned. These stories and backgrounds have been done TO DEATH. That is why its a cliché. Some clichés are not meant to be followed. There are devious ways for a character's family to be alive and to have adventures with a PC without resorting to having one or more suffer an unfortunate end.
Suppose the son is living in a Polygamous Family environment. He comes of age, and his culture fears unmarried young men with their women. So they urge the father to kick the boy out of the community to find a wife that is acceptable to the community (that is, she accepts plural marriage as the norm and even beneficial). Effectively divorced from his family, the young son goes into the world to find his fortune and to build his -- well in an ideal plural marriage environment you can't call it a harem. It's plural marriage.
So, an outcast, he is forced to go out in the world and go on adventure to build a family. When he returns to his father who has more than one wife the father explains why he had to kick him out. It seems that a single young man is a danger to the polygamous community. Young girls in the community never choose a single young man in that instance. They'd rather become a sister wife to an established good man. So, a young man must become established with a wife out in the world.
Other impeteus for adventure, without the parents having expired:
* A young man may feel that he's outgrown his family and he has to leave to grow and gain more experience. He leaves his ma and pa to find his fortune out on his own.
* War is called, and a young man is impressed into service to help his countrymen defeat their enemies.
* A young man is called by God or a god (depending on your mythological setup) to go on a religious journey. This is good for coming of age.
* The black sheep in the family is absorbed into the local thieves' guild and becomes a level 1 thief (in "modern" D&D, this class is called the Rogue).
* Some cultures may have children born under an auspicious sign to be trained in a particular guild. For example: the Elder Scrolls world, Argonian children born (hatched) under the Shadow are called Shadowscales and are immediately given to the Dark Brotherhood for training. They are to serve the dark god of Chaos, Sithis. They are ripped from their old family and given to a new family.
* Other impetii for adventure can be that the adventurer is kidnapped at a young age.
* His real father is a powerful duke, and he or she must adventure to make his or her claim.
* Or worse yet, his family is under a curse, and the adventurer must find a way to make things aright.
It's clichéd to start with a dead father or a dead mother. Or to be orphaned. These stories and backgrounds have been done TO DEATH. That is why its a cliché. Some clichés are not meant to be followed. There are devious ways for a character's family to be alive and to have adventures with a PC without resorting to having one or more suffer an unfortunate end.
Fantasy Roleplaying,
Story clichés
Gods of the Ancients: Aetheria
This time, I thought I'd do a series on the Gods of the Ancients. The Ancient Pantheon is worshiped by many people even though the worship is forced underground. Pagans, as they are called, are not apart of the great Monotheistic religions that exist in the Caithness Isles. Nor do they worship the philosophy of the Light.
Pagan worship is mostly centered around the Ancient deities, but can include the Old Gods as well. The first visited is Aetheria.
Aetheria of the Forests, the Creatures, and the Sky
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Two cumulus clouds
Homeplane: Wilderness of the Beastlands and the Plane of Air
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Forests, woodlands, storms, flora and fauna, fertility
Worshippers: Wood elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, rangers, druids, hunters, farmers, and woodcutters.
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, N, CG
Domains: Animal, Air, Good, Plant, Weather
Favored Weapon: Lightning Bolt (halfspear)
Aetheria is the Goddess of the sky and of nature. She is revered as the personification of life and the wilds itself. She is associated with the sky and is also associated with weather and storms. The rain is thought to be the tears of Aetheria as she weeps for the loss of her beloved Justin. Aetheria also cares for the beasts in the field and the beasts of the field are considered her creations. Life is revered in the Aetheria cult.
Aetheria is not that much different from the Greyhawk deity, Ehlonna. Aetheria is the great open sky and the provider of the breath of life to all. She watches over all good people who love the forest or make their livelyhood there. Forests and wildlands are sacred to her and her priests ensure that the wildlands are protected from destruction or overuse. Storms are considered to be sacred by worshipers, since the rain is considered to be Aetheria weeping. Rain is sacred, and if its not powerful enough, people pray to express their gratitude for it outside in the storm.
Aetheria's dogma is that her followers are to live in harmony with her creatures. To respect the wilds, and taking only what is needful. Aetheria is thought to be the creator of all plants and animals in respect to the world and her followers are expected to respect the wilds.
Clergy and Temples
Aetheria's churches had suffered a schism during the pogroms in Caithness by Christians against atheists. The schism has resulted in the Reformed Church of Aetheria and the Rustic Wild Church of Aetheria. The Reformed Church is located in the Republic of Devonshire and Angland (despite that land's Laws of a National Religion). The Rustic Wild Church is centrally located in the Nomad Lands and on Long Island but there are pockets of the Rustic Wild Church scattered in Northumberland and Caithness.
The Reformed Church builds temples and meeting houses for the followers. While the Rustic Wild Church regards the open gaping sky as Aetheria's chapel. The clerical attire ranges from the functional of forest green to diaphanous clothing of blue and white to being skyclad (that is, nothing at all). The Reformed Church includes clerics while the Rustic Wild Church is made up of druids. When being confronted by most anyone who would despoil the forest, the clergy tend to be gentle and firm. If they continue, or they are being incredibly misguided, her clerics can be ruthless.
The Rustic Wild Church has built Wayshrines all over the Caithness Isles where pilgrims can pray for the blessings of Aetheria. A typical Rustic Wild Church's meeting place is a statue of the Goddess in a glen with some benches and a stand from which the priest can read from the holy scriptures of Aetheria. Temples to Aetheria built by the Reformed Church are circular and often include a huge hole in the roof. Rooms are built for instruction of the faithful. The instruction of the faith includes the sylvan language, the dogma of Aetheria, and the study of performing miracles in the name of the Goddess.
Pagan worship is mostly centered around the Ancient deities, but can include the Old Gods as well. The first visited is Aetheria.
Aetheria of the Forests, the Creatures, and the Sky
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Two cumulus clouds
Homeplane: Wilderness of the Beastlands and the Plane of Air
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Forests, woodlands, storms, flora and fauna, fertility
Worshippers: Wood elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, rangers, druids, hunters, farmers, and woodcutters.
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, N, CG
Domains: Animal, Air, Good, Plant, Weather
Favored Weapon: Lightning Bolt (halfspear)
Aetheria is the Goddess of the sky and of nature. She is revered as the personification of life and the wilds itself. She is associated with the sky and is also associated with weather and storms. The rain is thought to be the tears of Aetheria as she weeps for the loss of her beloved Justin. Aetheria also cares for the beasts in the field and the beasts of the field are considered her creations. Life is revered in the Aetheria cult.
Aetheria is not that much different from the Greyhawk deity, Ehlonna. Aetheria is the great open sky and the provider of the breath of life to all. She watches over all good people who love the forest or make their livelyhood there. Forests and wildlands are sacred to her and her priests ensure that the wildlands are protected from destruction or overuse. Storms are considered to be sacred by worshipers, since the rain is considered to be Aetheria weeping. Rain is sacred, and if its not powerful enough, people pray to express their gratitude for it outside in the storm.
Aetheria's dogma is that her followers are to live in harmony with her creatures. To respect the wilds, and taking only what is needful. Aetheria is thought to be the creator of all plants and animals in respect to the world and her followers are expected to respect the wilds.
Clergy and Temples
Aetheria's churches had suffered a schism during the pogroms in Caithness by Christians against atheists. The schism has resulted in the Reformed Church of Aetheria and the Rustic Wild Church of Aetheria. The Reformed Church is located in the Republic of Devonshire and Angland (despite that land's Laws of a National Religion). The Rustic Wild Church is centrally located in the Nomad Lands and on Long Island but there are pockets of the Rustic Wild Church scattered in Northumberland and Caithness.
The Reformed Church builds temples and meeting houses for the followers. While the Rustic Wild Church regards the open gaping sky as Aetheria's chapel. The clerical attire ranges from the functional of forest green to diaphanous clothing of blue and white to being skyclad (that is, nothing at all). The Reformed Church includes clerics while the Rustic Wild Church is made up of druids. When being confronted by most anyone who would despoil the forest, the clergy tend to be gentle and firm. If they continue, or they are being incredibly misguided, her clerics can be ruthless.
The Rustic Wild Church has built Wayshrines all over the Caithness Isles where pilgrims can pray for the blessings of Aetheria. A typical Rustic Wild Church's meeting place is a statue of the Goddess in a glen with some benches and a stand from which the priest can read from the holy scriptures of Aetheria. Temples to Aetheria built by the Reformed Church are circular and often include a huge hole in the roof. Rooms are built for instruction of the faithful. The instruction of the faith includes the sylvan language, the dogma of Aetheria, and the study of performing miracles in the name of the Goddess.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Steal this Superhero!!!
Okay normally I wouldn't do anything on this part, but . . . if you need a Superhero NPC for a Supers Campaign (and who doesn't), I present Ammon. Use this guy sparingly by the way. He's an NPC, there to be used as a plot device or as a source of inspiration for a set of low level heroes.
Oh my King, said the royal sorcerer to Ramses the Great (Ramses the First), you and your descendants will be endowed by the God Amun-Re with the powers to control the elements. You will soar as Horus the falcon soars and command the elements of earth, wind, water, and fire.
Thousands of years later, the amulet of Ramses the Great was found. The great grandson of the Egyptologist that found it had strange dreams, dreams of his better self. He then took the amulet and was transformed into Ammon. As the descendant of King Ramses, young Drake Garion is heir to the power of Amun-Re.
Ammon is a Superman Analog that resembles the Silver Age. He has the following powers:
* Flight. Ammon is capable of flight. He can propel himself to nearly ultimate speed.
* Strength. Ammon has seemingly Superhuman Strength.
* Invulnerability. Ammon is seemingly invulnerable.
* Reality Bending Powers. Ammon is able to bend reality to his will. This power allows him to have his seemingly Super-human Strength, Flight, and Invulnerability.
* Weakness. Without the Wadjet-Eye Amulet, young Drake Garion cannot become Ammon. Likewise, without the Amulet, Ammon cannot become Drake Garion.
Costume: Ammon appears regally in a gold and white outfit reminescent of an Egyptian pharoah. The costume is mainly white with gold trim. His hair is mid neck length, is dark brown or black, and his eyes lined with black ochre. Ammon's face is also handsome. He carries the Wadjet-Eye around his neck. His body is royally handsome.
Template: Ammon is a Superman analog. He should be played as a Silver Age Hero (1955-1979). He doesn't have the ability to shoot laser beams, or have super breath. But he uses his powers to fight for Truth and Justice. In reality, he is the ideal Pharaoh reborn.
Oh my King, said the royal sorcerer to Ramses the Great (Ramses the First), you and your descendants will be endowed by the God Amun-Re with the powers to control the elements. You will soar as Horus the falcon soars and command the elements of earth, wind, water, and fire.
Thousands of years later, the amulet of Ramses the Great was found. The great grandson of the Egyptologist that found it had strange dreams, dreams of his better self. He then took the amulet and was transformed into Ammon. As the descendant of King Ramses, young Drake Garion is heir to the power of Amun-Re.
Ammon is a Superman Analog that resembles the Silver Age. He has the following powers:
* Flight. Ammon is capable of flight. He can propel himself to nearly ultimate speed.
* Strength. Ammon has seemingly Superhuman Strength.
* Invulnerability. Ammon is seemingly invulnerable.
* Reality Bending Powers. Ammon is able to bend reality to his will. This power allows him to have his seemingly Super-human Strength, Flight, and Invulnerability.
* Weakness. Without the Wadjet-Eye Amulet, young Drake Garion cannot become Ammon. Likewise, without the Amulet, Ammon cannot become Drake Garion.
Costume: Ammon appears regally in a gold and white outfit reminescent of an Egyptian pharoah. The costume is mainly white with gold trim. His hair is mid neck length, is dark brown or black, and his eyes lined with black ochre. Ammon's face is also handsome. He carries the Wadjet-Eye around his neck. His body is royally handsome.
Template: Ammon is a Superman analog. He should be played as a Silver Age Hero (1955-1979). He doesn't have the ability to shoot laser beams, or have super breath. But he uses his powers to fight for Truth and Justice. In reality, he is the ideal Pharaoh reborn.
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Olympians visit the Atlantis Blog. So far six of them have appeared:
From left to right:
* Aphrodite
* Athena
* Hestia
And the Boys.
From Left to right:
* Zeus
* Hercules
* Hades
These for a new set of morphs hot on the heals of Heavenly Bodies. These morphs use Muscle, Elite, and Morph++ morphs for the girls, and Morph++, Elite, and the Freak 4 morphs for the boys.
From left to right:
* Aphrodite
* Athena
* Hestia
And the Boys.
From Left to right:
* Zeus
* Hercules
* Hades
These for a new set of morphs hot on the heals of Heavenly Bodies. These morphs use Muscle, Elite, and Morph++ morphs for the girls, and Morph++, Elite, and the Freak 4 morphs for the boys.
DAZ Studio,
Planned Projects,
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Why won't people . . .
take 3D art seriously?
I mean seriously. I sent my portfolio in to Wizards of the Coast. And a colleague claims they do only the traditional arts. Blah, blah! I've gotten good enough to be professional at this. Yeah! A real PRO! So, what to do . . .
I mean seriously. I sent my portfolio in to Wizards of the Coast. And a colleague claims they do only the traditional arts. Blah, blah! I've gotten good enough to be professional at this. Yeah! A real PRO! So, what to do . . .
3D Artwork,
Wizards of the Coast
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
New Character WIP
Okay, it's hard enough to sculpt a face with Morphs ++ in one night. So this is a Work in Progress. She's named after Ann, my dead girlfriend. I'll be working on her skin maps later tomorrow.
DAZ Studio,
Works in Progress
Desert Amazon by ~Atlantean6 on deviantART
Desert Amazon's lighting is much, much better than the image below. I rendered the image below with a 12 hour difference (she was rendered in the morning). Now, this figure is rendered at Dusk.
DAZ Studio,
Sword and Sorcery
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Desert Amazon
I think I still have to work on my lighting technique. However, it's a reason to try the She-Freak in something inspired by Conan. The Death Bringer!!
DAZ Studio,
Sword and Sorcery
Another She Freak
She Freak freaked out to She Freak body 3 at .3 and She Freak body 4 at .7. Hands and feet scaled to max and upper body scaled to max. I'd say that's close to Jessica's proportions as the She Hulk.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sent in my Portfolio to Wizards of the Coast
You know?
I just sent my Portfolio in to Wizards of the Coast. Well, really a link to a website. Why? Well, some of the stuff I do deserves to be on an RPG Book cover or in an RPG Book as filler or interior illustration.
Although I am limited as to what I can do since I don't model my own stuff, I can try to learn if I had the right programming (Carrara, Vue, and Cinema 4D first then upgrade all the way to Maya). Making the Dragonborn would be a challenge since I have to change heads on V4 and M4 and make some interesting textures. If at all possible, since seams would be bad for dragon skin. :)
Oh well, I'll just . . . cross that bridge. :)
I just sent my Portfolio in to Wizards of the Coast. Well, really a link to a website. Why? Well, some of the stuff I do deserves to be on an RPG Book cover or in an RPG Book as filler or interior illustration.
Although I am limited as to what I can do since I don't model my own stuff, I can try to learn if I had the right programming (Carrara, Vue, and Cinema 4D first then upgrade all the way to Maya). Making the Dragonborn would be a challenge since I have to change heads on V4 and M4 and make some interesting textures. If at all possible, since seams would be bad for dragon skin. :)
Oh well, I'll just . . . cross that bridge. :)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Yuan-Ti Battle
Yuan-ti Attack by ~Atlantean6 on deviantART
Don't you wish you could see that in your Dungeons and Dragons books?
DAZ Products,
Dungeons and Dragons,
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Feeling a bit like a gnome is missing?
This Gnomish adventurer looks like it is ready to do a little exploring. Or something else. The Girl 4 is perfect for gnomes.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Nations of the Humans: Devonshire
Capital: Nottingham
Population: 22,500 (humans 87%, half-elves 5%, orcs 5%, half-orcs 3%)
Goverment: Republic
Religions: Christian, Roman Paganism, Hindu Paganism, Ancient Paganism, Lightism, Muslim, Shamanism, Druidism, Judaism
Exports: Glass, Iron, Linen, Paper, Pottery, various kinds of Beer
Imports: Vellum, Wool, Wine
Alignment: NG, CG, LG
Founded out of Caithness during the Religious pogroms of pagan, new age, and atheistic peoples; the Republic of Devonshire included the Shires of Nottingham, Devon, Carlisle, Cambridge, and Lancaster. The event happened 300 years ago, and the people have kept their Republic from the Caithness Monarchy or enemies within ever since.
The Shires were divided into twelve new shires, each named after the tribes of Israel: Judah, Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin, Zebulun, Reuben, Asher, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Issachar. The Thirteenth tribe of Levi isn't represented as a shire in the republic. The Senate is composed of twelve Senators, one from each Shire. At the head of the Senate sits the Prince, who acts for the Executive branch of the government. Usually the Prince is the representative from Judah, but sometimes a Senator from Ephraim is appointed. The government is run by Parties -- the Parties include the Moroni Party (Pro-Liberty), the Judah party (Conservative), the Ephraim Party (Liberal), the Gadianton Party (Pro-Totalitarian), and the Neutral Party (Moderate). The politics swings from these five parties at any given time. Politics in Nottingham is brutal, the phrase -- "Watch your back, Jack" is truer than ever. The Republic of Devonshire maintains an Army, a Navy, and colleges.
Since its founding, the Republic of Devonshire has faced incursions from the Blackrock Orcs across the border and from the swamps. The Republican armies have managed to defeat both tribes of orcs who did not join the Horde, but never conquered them. It isn't the Republic's way of doing things. Through the years, the humans have had a mixing of orcish blood into their ancestry, which has affected some of the population. Caithness has tried to invade Devonshire more than once and each time it has retreated with it's tail between it's legs. Northumberland tried to invade by sea, and has even occupied five of its shires, but was defeated. The only time the Republic has been humbled was when Angland invaded on a Religious Crusade.
This happened sixty years ago, when the Navies of Angland conquered the former capital of Devon and burned it to the ground for being full of Christians. The paladinic Order of Light was founded just ten years after that, but not after the Church of Light was spread over the Republic and made the official religion. However, five years later, the Devonshirites kicked out the Anglish with an Army of just three hundred. In a battle akin to the Battle of the Midianites in the Bible, the tiny army of 300 citizens managed to confuse the Anglish Camp and made their enemies slay each other. Any Anglish left in Devonshire were given the opportunity to become citizens of the Republic or die. Many of the captured Anglish have accepted. The Republic has been refounded based on Laws of Justice and Order since that time and the Knights of the Light (the former Anglish) have been protecting the Republic from enemies within ever since.
Life and Society
Life in the Republic is based on freedom rather than slavery. The people enjoy rights to free speech, freedom to assemble, and the freedom of arms. They are also free from invasion without warrant, and many other freedoms. The Republic is represented by twelve Senators from each Shire in Nottingham and has been founded and refounded. The Senators make new laws and often represent their parties. Currently the Judah Party holds the Princely Seat and the majority in the Senate. There is only one Progressive so far in the Senate and he is hoping for his turn on the Seat.
The People believe that they are the Spiritual and Political descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They have freedom bred into them from 300 years of attaining it and keeping it. Most citizens of the Republic are farmers, ranchers, foresters, or craftsmen. The Republic maintains a citizen army. Every citizen is a part of the army. Besides the Army, an order of paladins called the Order of Light act as leaders, generals, heroes, and watchdogs of the Republic from its enemies within (which are either Orcs or Radical Revolutionaries).
Major Geographical Features
Carlisle Lake: This lake is in the heart of the Republic. There are about five castles surrounding the lake dating from Monarchial times. Three of the castles are well maintained while the other two fell into disrepair. The lake is a huge freshwater lake and it is a quiet lake. The city of Carlisle is located on the western shores of the lake. To add mystery to the lake, Lake Carlisle is rumored to harbor lake monsters. Castle Hart is controlled by the Blackrock tribe and Castle Norrington is mainly abandoned because of rumors of being haunted.
Shadow Wood: This forest acts as the border between Caithness and the Republic. It's a thick forest, only the Devonshire side has become black and darkened thanks for the old growth trees that are in the heart of it. Lately the forest has been advancing and the settlers on the border have been complaining of ghosts, werewolves, and other supernatural occurrences. Lately, some people have reported talking and moving trees.
The Heart Plains: Light forests, rolling hills, and cultivated land make up the Heart Plains. The land is mostly maintained by farmers but the light forests are used to make sure that the soil stays in place until the land is ready to be cultivated again. The Heart Plains are carefully managed in a rotation cycle. Aside from the gnoll brigand tribes that are scattered about the place is peaceful.
The Swamps: The Swamps is a dangerous place since it breeds biting insects. It's also the home of trolls and ogres. The monsters leave the humans alone that live near the swamp, but sometimes something worse comes out of the swamp and adventurers often go in to get it. No one knows what is actually happening in the swamp when a monster that comes out of it is often a frightening amalgam of several creatures (so far a Hydra, a chimaera, an echidna, and other nasty creatures have come out of the swamps).
(Next: Important Sites, Regional History, and Plots and Rumors)
Population: 22,500 (humans 87%, half-elves 5%, orcs 5%, half-orcs 3%)
Goverment: Republic
Religions: Christian, Roman Paganism, Hindu Paganism, Ancient Paganism, Lightism, Muslim, Shamanism, Druidism, Judaism
Exports: Glass, Iron, Linen, Paper, Pottery, various kinds of Beer
Imports: Vellum, Wool, Wine
Alignment: NG, CG, LG
Founded out of Caithness during the Religious pogroms of pagan, new age, and atheistic peoples; the Republic of Devonshire included the Shires of Nottingham, Devon, Carlisle, Cambridge, and Lancaster. The event happened 300 years ago, and the people have kept their Republic from the Caithness Monarchy or enemies within ever since.
The Shires were divided into twelve new shires, each named after the tribes of Israel: Judah, Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin, Zebulun, Reuben, Asher, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Issachar. The Thirteenth tribe of Levi isn't represented as a shire in the republic. The Senate is composed of twelve Senators, one from each Shire. At the head of the Senate sits the Prince, who acts for the Executive branch of the government. Usually the Prince is the representative from Judah, but sometimes a Senator from Ephraim is appointed. The government is run by Parties -- the Parties include the Moroni Party (Pro-Liberty), the Judah party (Conservative), the Ephraim Party (Liberal), the Gadianton Party (Pro-Totalitarian), and the Neutral Party (Moderate). The politics swings from these five parties at any given time. Politics in Nottingham is brutal, the phrase -- "Watch your back, Jack" is truer than ever. The Republic of Devonshire maintains an Army, a Navy, and colleges.
Since its founding, the Republic of Devonshire has faced incursions from the Blackrock Orcs across the border and from the swamps. The Republican armies have managed to defeat both tribes of orcs who did not join the Horde, but never conquered them. It isn't the Republic's way of doing things. Through the years, the humans have had a mixing of orcish blood into their ancestry, which has affected some of the population. Caithness has tried to invade Devonshire more than once and each time it has retreated with it's tail between it's legs. Northumberland tried to invade by sea, and has even occupied five of its shires, but was defeated. The only time the Republic has been humbled was when Angland invaded on a Religious Crusade.
This happened sixty years ago, when the Navies of Angland conquered the former capital of Devon and burned it to the ground for being full of Christians. The paladinic Order of Light was founded just ten years after that, but not after the Church of Light was spread over the Republic and made the official religion. However, five years later, the Devonshirites kicked out the Anglish with an Army of just three hundred. In a battle akin to the Battle of the Midianites in the Bible, the tiny army of 300 citizens managed to confuse the Anglish Camp and made their enemies slay each other. Any Anglish left in Devonshire were given the opportunity to become citizens of the Republic or die. Many of the captured Anglish have accepted. The Republic has been refounded based on Laws of Justice and Order since that time and the Knights of the Light (the former Anglish) have been protecting the Republic from enemies within ever since.
Life and Society
Life in the Republic is based on freedom rather than slavery. The people enjoy rights to free speech, freedom to assemble, and the freedom of arms. They are also free from invasion without warrant, and many other freedoms. The Republic is represented by twelve Senators from each Shire in Nottingham and has been founded and refounded. The Senators make new laws and often represent their parties. Currently the Judah Party holds the Princely Seat and the majority in the Senate. There is only one Progressive so far in the Senate and he is hoping for his turn on the Seat.
The People believe that they are the Spiritual and Political descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They have freedom bred into them from 300 years of attaining it and keeping it. Most citizens of the Republic are farmers, ranchers, foresters, or craftsmen. The Republic maintains a citizen army. Every citizen is a part of the army. Besides the Army, an order of paladins called the Order of Light act as leaders, generals, heroes, and watchdogs of the Republic from its enemies within (which are either Orcs or Radical Revolutionaries).
Major Geographical Features
Carlisle Lake: This lake is in the heart of the Republic. There are about five castles surrounding the lake dating from Monarchial times. Three of the castles are well maintained while the other two fell into disrepair. The lake is a huge freshwater lake and it is a quiet lake. The city of Carlisle is located on the western shores of the lake. To add mystery to the lake, Lake Carlisle is rumored to harbor lake monsters. Castle Hart is controlled by the Blackrock tribe and Castle Norrington is mainly abandoned because of rumors of being haunted.
Shadow Wood: This forest acts as the border between Caithness and the Republic. It's a thick forest, only the Devonshire side has become black and darkened thanks for the old growth trees that are in the heart of it. Lately the forest has been advancing and the settlers on the border have been complaining of ghosts, werewolves, and other supernatural occurrences. Lately, some people have reported talking and moving trees.

The Swamps: The Swamps is a dangerous place since it breeds biting insects. It's also the home of trolls and ogres. The monsters leave the humans alone that live near the swamp, but sometimes something worse comes out of the swamp and adventurers often go in to get it. No one knows what is actually happening in the swamp when a monster that comes out of it is often a frightening amalgam of several creatures (so far a Hydra, a chimaera, an echidna, and other nasty creatures have come out of the swamps).
(Next: Important Sites, Regional History, and Plots and Rumors)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Creation Myths of the Orcs: Clan of the Pheonix
The Clan of the Phoenix. Another orc tribe, the Phoenix clan was once a tribe that revered its ancestors. Now, thanks to demonic influence, the tribe has become a tribe of warlocks specializing in deviltry and demonic magic. The Clan of the Phoenix is also the most ancient of the orc clans.
Nwali and the Egg
When Nwali had finished creating the world and filled it with all sorts of plants, animals, and birds Nwali started working on an egg. The egg was magnificent, for it was made of silver. It pulsed with all truth and life and Nwali had set it down in a specially prepared area.
The animals marveled at the egg. As it pulsated with life and energy, they were curious as to see what Nwali had brought them. The animals asked, "What is the egg, oh wise Nwali?" Nwali, being all wise and all loving had said; "It is my gift to you, the animals." And the animals truly marveled at the gift.
The egg continued to pulse in the Garden that Nwali had planted the egg. The trees began to wonder at the egg and were attracted to the egg. Nwali said to the trees. "A gift for you, oh trees." And the trees marveled at Nwali.
Finally, the pheonix bird was the most curious of all of Nwali's birds and it lighted near the Egg. Phoenix asked Nwali what the egg is about, and Nwali said it was a surprise. So, Phoenix sat down on the egg, incubating it with his fires.
In time, the egg hatched, and the Phoenix watched. And out sprang a man and a woman (meaning, Orcs). The man and the woman were naked and immediately embraced themselves in fear and Consternation. Nwali then explained that the man and the woman were to have dominion over the plants and the beasts and the Earth. Pleased with his creations, the man and the woman were in the image of Nwali. Then the man and the woman went out and went to subdue the Earth and replenish themselves according to Nwali's command.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Creation Myths of the Orcs: The Shattered Sword
The Clan of the Shattered Sword. Ah, a clan with a particular history of being violent against humans. They are a particularly powerful clan of orcs with powerful muscular forms. The men of the Shattered Sword are often brutish and thuggish in body. They have freakish hulking bodies. The females are more slender, but they built themselves up as much as their bodies can allow. They once were, and are, the Clan of the Cave Bear.
Wacraft Orc by ~Atlantean6 on deviantART
Bear as a Totem: Bear represents caution, healing, and leadership to the orcs. Brother Bear is the totem of the Clan of the Shattered Sword. However, fel corruption in the clan has caused the Clan of the Shattered Sword to forsake and to hunt bears in order to gain the power of the bear. Now, as part of the horde, they seek to regain the favor of Nwali, the Spirits, and the Ancestors. Shamans of the Shattered Sword can turn into bears when they gain the Spirit Wolf ability.
Legends of the Clan of the Cave Bear
The Clan of the Cave Bear, or the Clan of the Shattered Sword, were a subarctic clan of orcs. They are a lot like the native tribes of Alaska. The Athabaskan tribes, being what the Athabaskan tribes are to us the Clan of the Cave Bear are to the Orcs of Archaeron. These legends tell the story.
Brother Bear
Once, on when the land was crawling with the Woolly Mammoths, the ancient ones moved to the lands of the North. The Ancient Ones moved here, inspired by Nwali. Led by the shaman Yurthal, the orcs that followed him were actually following a ghost bear to their promised land. The people stopped in the forested Northern Wilderness where the Spirit Dance (Dancing Lights) played. The act of Creation for the Clan of the Cave Bear begins when Nwali started making people out of red, brown, and green mud. Some he baked too early -- and these were the paleskinned Men (meaning orcs). Some he baked too long, and these were the darkskinned Men. But the Clan of the Cave Bear, he baked just right. He breathed life into all of them and set them upon the world.
Brother Bear asked Nwali if he could have a clan of his own. Nwali gave him the baked just right people. So, Brother Bear led the people into the North to a Promised Land that was bountiful of fish, game, and berries. Yurthal thanked Brother Bear, and called his people the Clan of the Cave Bear afterwards.
The Clan of the Shattered Sword
Before the coming of the Demons, the Clan of the Cave Bear followed the other tribes through the gateway to flee the squid-faces. We settled in a land like our own. And had a great rapport with the animals and the game, just as we had. But the Demon Azarael came to us promising power and strength. Our shamans listened to him, just like the Shamans of the Burning Blade and the Shadowmoon. And he bade all of us to hunt the bears. Some of us would not do it and we split, separating themselves. But we fell upon the bears, killing them and cutting them open. We would dine on bear hearts and bathe in bear blood. After this was done, we drank of the blood of Azarael himself. Overnight, we became bigger and meaner -- mixing the powers of Demon and Bear. We made swords and shattered them, taking the name of the Clan of the Shattered Sword and became the most bloodthirsty.
However, we redeemed ourselves when our former clansmen joined with the Humans and the High Elves and slew Azarael's mortal body, ending our bloodlust. We rejoined the Clan of the Cave Bear, shattering our swords again and becoming one Clan, one Tribe. The Clan of the Shattered Sword.
The Clan of the Shattered Sword are the grunts of the New Orc Horde that was led into Killyronde. Their freakish, muscular forms make up the grunts and much of the warrior tradition. Although their shamans are once again guided by the Spirits of Bear, the Clan of the Shattered Sword make up the police forces of the new Orc Nation as well as most of the army. The Clan of the Shattered Sword are still powerful and still overwhelming. However, they are creating a tradition of honor and integrity to help their disenfranchised clan to regain hope.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Blood Elf Dancer
Last one for today, I've been render dumping blood elves.
Blood Elf Dancer by ~Atlantean6 on deviantART
Blood Elf Dancer by ~Atlantean6 on deviantART
DAZ Studio,
World of Warcraft
Elf Portrait
A portrait I rendered today. I think I may have to work more on the eyes to make them more bright, but this might work out better. Tell me what you think.
DAZ Studio,
World of Warcraft
Creation Myths of the Orcs: the Blood Talons
The Blood Talons
The Blood Talons are a tribe of hunters. They are associated with Deinonychus and velociraptor, or in other words, dinosaur raptors. The Blood Talons are orcs who were jungle oriented. When they came to Galatea, they brought their raptors with them. The Blood Talons are also the scribes of the Horde. The Blood Talons use a Glyphic Syllabary for their writing and say that the writing was given to them by the Eagle. Their totems are Raptor and Eagle.
Eagle as a Totem: Eagle is a leader, the King of Birds. As a symbol of the Zenith, Brother Eagle helps his shamans soar to great heights. The Eagle also imparts a major part of its essence to his shamans. Eagle Shamans are very personable and charismatic. But they also have noble attributes and tend to be just and fair. Eagle shamans take the form of an Eagle when they achieve the Ghost Wolf ability.
Raptor as a Totem: Sister Raptor is a hunter totem. Highly intelligent, Raptor is a pack totem. Rather than being family oriented, the raptor is tactical group oriented. Raptor shamans are strategists and tactical thinkers. They tend to out think their opponents, assess situations, and think of a way to gain an advantage. Raptor shamans take the form of a Deinonychus when they achieve the Ghost Wolf ability.
The Blood Talons' creation myth is called The Creation of True Men (meaning orcs).
The Creation of True Men
Nwali was the first and the last. Nwali had created all the animals including the raptor, the behemoth, the leviathan, the three-horned one, the honker, and the devil lizard. Nwali looked at all of creation and asked the animals to collect clay.
All the animals declined to collect clay except for Eagle and Raptor. Eagle and Raptor brought Nwali brownish and green clays, which Nwali mixed with his own hands. Nwali wanted to mix the clay in his own image. So, he created Man from the clay -- both man and woman. He breathed life into the clay men and women he made. Brother Eagle taught Men how to speak, write, and think; while Sister Raptor taught Men how to hunt, cook, and domesticate animals. One of Eagle and Raptor's best students was a young man Nerva.
Nerva was a great hunter. He used his gifts from Brother Eagle and Sister Raptor to create animal skins, make pottery, and invent tanning. Later on, Nerva learned how to farm and taught the people how to make a rough garment out of prey animal skins. Nwali was pleased with both Brother Eagle and Sister Raptor, and named his people the Gijakkrupu-Hai or people of the Blood Talons. The Gijakkrupu-Hai accepted Eagle and Raptor as their tribal totems.
The Blood Talons are a tribe of hunters. They are associated with Deinonychus and velociraptor, or in other words, dinosaur raptors. The Blood Talons are orcs who were jungle oriented. When they came to Galatea, they brought their raptors with them. The Blood Talons are also the scribes of the Horde. The Blood Talons use a Glyphic Syllabary for their writing and say that the writing was given to them by the Eagle. Their totems are Raptor and Eagle.
Eagle as a Totem: Eagle is a leader, the King of Birds. As a symbol of the Zenith, Brother Eagle helps his shamans soar to great heights. The Eagle also imparts a major part of its essence to his shamans. Eagle Shamans are very personable and charismatic. But they also have noble attributes and tend to be just and fair. Eagle shamans take the form of an Eagle when they achieve the Ghost Wolf ability.
Raptor as a Totem: Sister Raptor is a hunter totem. Highly intelligent, Raptor is a pack totem. Rather than being family oriented, the raptor is tactical group oriented. Raptor shamans are strategists and tactical thinkers. They tend to out think their opponents, assess situations, and think of a way to gain an advantage. Raptor shamans take the form of a Deinonychus when they achieve the Ghost Wolf ability.
The Blood Talons' creation myth is called The Creation of True Men (meaning orcs).
The Creation of True Men
Nwali was the first and the last. Nwali had created all the animals including the raptor, the behemoth, the leviathan, the three-horned one, the honker, and the devil lizard. Nwali looked at all of creation and asked the animals to collect clay.
All the animals declined to collect clay except for Eagle and Raptor. Eagle and Raptor brought Nwali brownish and green clays, which Nwali mixed with his own hands. Nwali wanted to mix the clay in his own image. So, he created Man from the clay -- both man and woman. He breathed life into the clay men and women he made. Brother Eagle taught Men how to speak, write, and think; while Sister Raptor taught Men how to hunt, cook, and domesticate animals. One of Eagle and Raptor's best students was a young man Nerva.
Nerva was a great hunter. He used his gifts from Brother Eagle and Sister Raptor to create animal skins, make pottery, and invent tanning. Later on, Nerva learned how to farm and taught the people how to make a rough garment out of prey animal skins. Nwali was pleased with both Brother Eagle and Sister Raptor, and named his people the Gijakkrupu-Hai or people of the Blood Talons. The Gijakkrupu-Hai accepted Eagle and Raptor as their tribal totems.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Creation Myths of the Orcs: The Desert Vipers
The Creation Myth of the Desert Vipers
The Clan of the Desert Vipers originally was a desert dwelling culture of Orcs. Although they had minor totems to represent them -- Coyote being one of them -- the clan decided on Snake. This is simply because not only snakes have qualities of spying but it is also a healer totem. The Clan of the Desert Vipers named themselves after the sidewinder snakes that lived in the deserts of Outland. Although there are more than a few Coyote shamans among them.
Coyote as a Totem: Coyote is the great trickster. Coyote shamans are usually very individualistic and incredibly libertarian and anarchist. They really don't follow the rules a lot. Coyote shamans are also hard to pin down -- they can be incomprehensible at times.
Snake as a Totem: Snake is a healer and a giver of wisdom. Although the Clan of Desert Vipers made up the seed of the intelligence network of the Horde; their shamans are usually at the core of healing for the horde and can carry great wisdom.
The Desert Vipers have two myths (one adapted from Native Americans, and another my own creation). They are Coyote and Nwali, and The Great Dream Snake.
Coyote and Nwali
Once there was no people in the World, and Nwali began the project of bringing people into the world. He began to collect sticks and cut them into little pieces and placed them into his leather bag. Nwali did this until his bag was full.
Brother Coyote was very curious as to what was in the bag. Nwali told Brother Coyote that his project was very special and not to look in the bag. However, Coyote's curiosity got the best of him and he opened the bag to see what was Nwali working on. Many men (meaning Orcs) burst out of the bag. They were wild and would not listen to the pleadings of Brother Coyote. They were too wild. The people spoke many different languages and soon spread all over the face of the World.
When Nwali returned, he found Coyote and the opened, empty bag. Rightfully angry, Nwali chided Brother Coyote for not listening. Nwali explained that the people weren't ready to be released as Nwali was going to place them evenly around the World. The trouble you have caused will be the cause of war and famine in the Land.
As punishment for Brother Coyote's ways, Nwali sent him into the world as a coyote. So, when the Desert Vipers hear the coyote's howl -- it is coyote howling to return home. Nwali then picked up his bag and discovered that a few people have remained deep inside the bag. To these people, Nwali set apart and named them the Mal-Hai. "You will be very brave, since the people in the World are not as complete as you," Nwali told our people. "I will place you high in the mountains so that you will be close to me."
So Nwali planted the Mal-Hai in the Mountains of the Bountiful Region. And there they lived and were attracted and wandered into the desert lands below the Mountains of the Bountiful Region.
Veyothas and the Great Dream Snake
Once a great disease swept through the people of the Mal-Hai. The disease was a plague of black spots that covered the bodies of the people. Some people went blind, others developed ulcers, some had spots on their tongue, and others had spots in other places on their bodies. The Mal-Hai were afflicted, so the great Shaman Urgohaz called on Nwali for aid.
"Take a few warriors and shamans to the Great Red River that flows through the desert and there you will find your cure," said Nwali. So Urgohaz took with him the five healthiest warriors and his own apprentice and went on a spirit journey to be led to the cure of Nwali.
The journey was perilous, and the band was out in the bounteous desert in order to find the Great Red River. Urgohaz followed the Green River based on intuition, and they drank from the river and found many fish to eat. However, the Bountiful Region was soon giving way to a desert of desolation. The heat was getting greater and greater for Urgohaz and the shaman mysteriously died.
After the death of Urgohaz, his apprentice Veyothas took the title of Great Shaman. However, Veyothas was not as responsive to Nwali and the young shaman led the group to the Great Red River. Instead of finding wild oxen, which Nwali intended the group found Shurikmai the Great Dream Snake.
Veyothas implored Shurikmai to heal his people the Mal-Hai. Shurikmai promised to heal the people, but payment had to be made. Shurikmai demanded a sacrifice, and Veyothas promised it. The sacrifice was not of blood, but of gender. Veyothas obeyed, and used a spell to turn three of the warriors from men to beings that were women but had the parts of men. The Warriors sacrificed their manhood for womanhood and the Great Dream Snake used their manhood to cure the village of the Mal-Hai of the terrible disease.
The little band did return and found the people free of the sickness. However, Nwali was angry with this village of the Mal-Hai for their perversions -- of the warriors changing who they were and finding and obeying Shurikmai over him, Nwali. He declared that the village of Mal-Hai will be forever called the Shurikhai -- or "people of the desert viper." He withdrew his presence from the village and Veyothas was bereft of his Shamanic power.
A generation later, shamanism was had again among the Shurikhai, however the people were forced to leave the greater Mal-Hai nation and forge a nation of their own. They became truly the people of the Desert Viper, as they relied on the deserts where they lived food and bounty and made war as the serpents do. When Shamanism came among them, it was both Brother Coyote and Brother Snake that the shamans speak to Nwali through.
Clash of the Titans (2010)
Uhm . . .
One word. USELESS if your a DM! Don't see this movie unless you're looking for a cinematic rollercoaster ride. The critics don't know what they are talking about, since as a Dungeons and Dragons movie this one is an Epic Fail (gad!).
It's pretty bad. Although they had a lot of good ideas, the movie isn't the best. I was deeply offended by it, so I couldn't enjoy it. You're better off seeing the original. Beverly Cross, Ray Harryhausen and co. made a better movie.
Gad, it was so bad. ):
One word. USELESS if your a DM! Don't see this movie unless you're looking for a cinematic rollercoaster ride. The critics don't know what they are talking about, since as a Dungeons and Dragons movie this one is an Epic Fail (gad!).
It's pretty bad. Although they had a lot of good ideas, the movie isn't the best. I was deeply offended by it, so I couldn't enjoy it. You're better off seeing the original. Beverly Cross, Ray Harryhausen and co. made a better movie.
Gad, it was so bad. ):
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Creation Myths of the Orcs: The Silver Fangs
The orcs are a shamanistic society. They have been since they came to Galatea to flee the Cephalpodic humanoids that conquered their original homeworld of Outland or Archaeron. Their creation myths are many, as each tribe of the Horde have their own creation myths. Each tribe subscribes to tribal law, which defaults to family law. High above the tribes is the Warchief -- a sort of High King of the orc tribes.
Although the orcs revere animals and the animal totems, the orcs do have a chief god, named Nwali. He figures in all orc creation myths except for the Burning Sword. The first myth deals with the Silverfangs.
Once, there was Nwali, and Nwali was all that there is. So Nwali spoke and out of his mouth he uttered the Word of Creation. Out of his mouth came all -- the land, the sea, the air, the plants, the animals. Now, Brother Wolf was the chief of all of Nwali's creations. Brother Wolf helped Nwali create all things in the Universe.
When it came time for Nwali to create Men (orcs) Brother Wolf assisted him by hunting and gathering food to make sure Nwali was fed. However, Nwali did not need to eat, for Nwali is forever. So, Nwali made men from dirt and sand and breathed life into them. To reward Brother Wolf for his kindness, he made it so that Brother Wolf would be a companion to both Men and Women to act not only as a servant, but as a Spirit guide and totem to help Men and Women remember Nwali and his statutes and to walk in the ways of Nwali.
Some points to remember:
The Silverfang Orc Tribe hold the Wolf to be their totem. The creation myth explains how the Silverfangs have the Wolf to be their tribal totem, and why the Orc shamans of the silverfangs often turn into wolves to traverse distances. Also, wolf is a family oriented totem. As a result, the Silverfangs are a family oriented tribe.
NEXT: The Desert Vipers and the Dream Snake.
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